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Implemented in 6.0.1 - Fix for not showing alliance name in combat report API Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - optimized spy reports (short and detailed views) Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-rc1 - Fix shared spy reports to be seen by shared users and not only attacker Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - optimized buddy list (including sorting) Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-beta4 - Link Alliance permissions to application messages Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-RC8- Added Ignorelist, removed pillory on mobile version. Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - message system accessible from galaxy view Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-beta4 - Make user settings apply to auctioneer notifications Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-RC9 - Expose Alliance Name and Tag in API for all Reports Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - spy moons from galaxy view - launch recyclers from galaxy view Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-RC8- Espionage Reports use Resource value instead of fleet count. Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0-RC8- Added Ignorelist, removed pillory on mobile version. Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - deletion time for messages changed (not influenced by Commander anymore) Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - new summarized combat report - new design for detailed combat report Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.0.0 - possible to store more favourite messages Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.1.0-alpha1 - Add left menu options to planet and moon tooltips Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Implemented in 6.1.0-alpha1 - Auctions only when not in vacation mode Link arrow.png OGame 6.0 (Announcement and Testserver)
Hello wolfymik, Can you say us more informations about it, etc. - do you use xml+rss or xml+atom? - On which OGame version is this happening (6.1.0 or 6.0.X.) I am asking you that because i tryed Rss feed and i can't see "null".
As i said, you must come to IRC first and join the channel #antigame-v6. There we will discuss about it. This is not thread for requesting new version :closed3: :arrow: see ya on IRC
Hello bigd51, Current version of AntiGameOrigin is not working on OGame v6. There is new version of AGO, called AntiGame v6. It is in testing phase and it will be released soon.