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  • Universe Health Report

    NoMoreAngel - - General


    Quote from Canarefr: “they should be autodeleted after the usual 35d ” They should, but for some reason alot of them aren't. We still have accounts that got created in august and for some reason don't get deleted.

  • @Yossy remember that when you write your programm, you are not allowed to share your API-Key, that means if you want to write a client, your API-Key shouldn't be in it.

  • Haven't calculated it, but it might be because the destroyed ships/defences get removed after the round, not in the round. So in Round 1 there are firing 10 RL, in 2 9, in 3 8 and so on.

  • New Tutorial

    NoMoreAngel - - Feedback & Discussions


    When the devteam needs something they will inform us^^ So far there are no news on the new tutorial, when there is something about it, you will see it announced on this board.

  • I must say this is the best idea for the vmode I heard so far. I would just change the duration a bit. 110 Days in vmode should be ok, that way you could vmode each weekend. But the vmodesavers still couldn't abuse it because it doesn't give them that much time to spend in vmode. I know multiple player that just simply vmode on the weekend because they just want to have free time and not need to check for their fleets/moons to still be alive.

  • more speed uni?

    NoMoreAngel - - General


    There won't be a second retro uni. Was said in another thread that I can't find currently.

  • Go into the AGO settings, Fleet -> Attack -> Prefer small over large cargos. then it sends the correct amount of cargos because it doesn't need to convert it from LC to SC when it notices that you don't have LC on the planet.

  • New Tutorial

    NoMoreAngel - - Feedback & Discussions


    Due to some restructuring in the GF OGame lost more than half of it's dev-team, so things can take a while now.

  • moon change

    NoMoreAngel - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from herky06: “Yes but then u offline and they spy u and find u fleet u are f... ” How do they find my fleet when it's flying? When I'm offline my fleet isn't landed, so they can't spy it.

  • moon change

    NoMoreAngel - - Archive - Suggestions


    Deployment between moons, when I want with recall.

  • moon change

    NoMoreAngel - - Archive - Suggestions


    Do you know how to fleetsave? That would be way easier than changing the espionage- behaviour of moons which defenitly won't be done.

  • reply to MULTI ACC

    NoMoreAngel - - General


    Like @ErikFyr said such stuff shouldn't be reported/posted on the board, thats why you got censored. Also the GO already took care of it.

  • Wreckfield in the profit summary

    NoMoreAngel - - Suggestions


    Quote from Minion: “In that sense, (may be an estimation of) the defenses that are rebuild could also be given. ” No need to estimate, thats also given in the API^^ Sounds like a good idea.

  • Could you implement the Wreckfields into the CR displays/summary? It would just need some calculations for the shipcosts, the other relevant data is given in the API.

  • Idea

    NoMoreAngel - - Archive - Spam


    Closed because it's an duplicate of Asteroides/Meteoros

  • Thanks we will remove it there. Correct, there is no bashing rule.

  • Where did you find that link? Seems like we overlooked one while replacing old links. The thing you are searching for isn't valid anymore. We recently removed nearly all rules: Universe Origin - Removal of Game Rules

  • V mode

    NoMoreAngel - - Archive - Suggestions


    Automatic vmode removal is a no go, that thing won't come. Just something like TGWo suggested is a possible idea that could be done.

  • The layoutchange would just be visible when you have enough ressources for 99.999 units of that type, before you wouldn't see it. Just an increase for the normal limit would have limiting factor that the GF won't give up if I assume it correctly. You could just finish a lot of ships for a small amount of DM if you don't increase the Limit where the cost cut of. But if you would increase the limit, you would have a problem with users, because it would get expensive as hell when you just want to b…

  • Well have you ever tried to rebuild large amounts of defence or fleet? It takes forever to input them or to even halve/finish them.