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Actually there are some news. To quote koop on the question "When will be the next merge?": "Ehm, we currently try to make it this year" Short summary on international merges: Maybe, we already had the idea, but currently not, we would need to build it new and it would be hard to balance. Source: Currently only in german but I guess someone will sub it^^ But thats all there is on this topic.
@Athenacompet you clearly have no idea why the server was closed. It's more complex than just a fleet duplication but some other things that are way more serious. The repair for those things back in the time was the v1 update, aka the redesign. So if you want those bugs fixed, you will have a redesign universe.
Can't find the announcement right now, but the Server doesn't have any support from GF. Theoretically they wouldn't even have needed to fix anything. The dev that worked so long on his own on the project left GF over half a year ago, so noone really knows this old, broken and poorly wirtten code that.
Moons created with debrisfield smaller than 2,000,000 units will have a random size. However if you have a debris field larger or equal 2,000,000 units, then you're guaranteed a moon that's at least 8,366 Kilometers in diameter, these are harder to destroy by other players and only at great effort and possibly many losses. Of course it's better if you plan the attack and minimize your losses by just leaving a only the necessary amount of ships on you planet. The best way to get a 2,000,000 unit …
Really? xD
NoMoreAngel - - General
PostMaybe a backup, maybe something else. Don't know what the GF overall did for this server in form of backups. For now a lot of players are banned that got a profit of it and didn't do the necessary stuff you should do in such a case.
Really? xD
NoMoreAngel - - General
PostIt's not the usual pushing if you suspect that, it's something else we can't really do much about currently except banning everyone that got a profit of it. On the other hand there are multiple users that had this problem by accident and reported it themself. On monday we will consult with the persons in charge at Gameforge and see what can be done about it.
Quote from vida is back: “And one another question NoMoreAngel, for example if i have an problem which i dont think i can solve and handle with TM or CoMa from here, where i could go to talk to? Which is higher rank above them? ” Like @Canarefr said there is noone higher that will handle gameproblems.
Version 6.3.8
PostToday we got Version 6.3.8-rc1, this is the changelog for the version: Game [Bugfix] Ticket system link wrong in ban popup [Bugfix] Interplanetary Missiles button broken for noobs to strong player [Bugfix] Anti-Ballistic Missiles broken build function/takes too many resources [Bugfix] Interplanetary Missiles broken build function/takes too many resources [Bugfix] Messages: tool tip from buddy button in player's tool tip misses style [Bugfix] There is no moon icon in the short view of Combat repo…