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Add Group Chat
PostFor alliance there are circular messages. Maybe group chat, where you can add that player which you want. (maybe, you can only add players which are in your alliance or on your buddy list) But i like your proposal. ^^
Shole - - AntiGameOrigin
PostDear users, I have submitted FireFox AntiGameOrigin for signing process. We are waiting for review of our add-on: Queue Position: 177 of 177 img.png It can take up to 3 days. (even more because of christmas time) Best regards, AntiGameOrigin Team icon48.png
Don't know exactly what do you mean. AntiGame database is updating automaticly, daily with ogame API key. Information which are in database: - Account data (resources/ships and building/research levels) - Player database (status and details) - Universe database (planets and moons) If you mean, on AntiGame options. No, you can't synchronize it with another PC, you need to configure options for every computer separately. Or you can save AGO options as txt and paste it on another computer.
Quote from Twisted Ambition: “I remember in the past you could see like 3+ waves you could send and it would show the cargo's of your preference and let you click them to go to the fleets screen and send a raid with that many cargo's in the past. However mine don't show up and i have tried everything that i could think of. It made farming so much easier with it so that's why i want some help on this. Im guessing it has something to do with the messages not being on the screen and popping out whe…
//Added APW suggestion and fixed what DeLord have reported Attacking a player with ships is not always the only possibility, you have also the missiles.There are two types of missiles: Interplanetary Missiles(IPM) and Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABM). The IPMs can be launched to destroy enemy defense and ABMs can intercept attacking IPMs. =Interplanetary missiles= Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, the so called bunker. By all means they…
Yes, you are right Quote from DeLord: “1) If no primary target was selected, then a random primary target will automatically be selected (and not the rocket launchers by default). This is also shown in big red letters ingame when not selecting a primary target. ” Correct! Quote from DeLord: “2) If the primary target is destroyed, then it will not continue to destroy stuff in the order as they are in the defense (rocketlaunchers, lightlasers, heavylasers, etc...), but in a completely different or…
That is not allowed to be implemented. Too much automatization. Attacking multiple targets in same time, not allowed and won't be implemented. Thanks for understanding!
You need the email address to request a new password as well as to identify yourself as the owner of an account. Due to these reasons you should keep your own valid email address where only you have access to. ==How to validate email address?== Screenshot_1.png When you see orange triangle ( 09980161fadf11b18189770e1d78d2.gif ) on the left side, that means your Email address has not been validated. When you put your mouse pointer on that triangle you will see pop-up message: Screenshot_7.png You…
You need the email address to request a new password as well as to identify yourself as the owner of an account. Due to these reasons you should keep your own valid email address where only you have access to. ==How to validate email address?== Screenshot_1.png When you see orange triangle ( 09980161fadf11b18189770e1d78d2.gif ) on the left side, that means your Email address has not been validated. When you put your mouse pointer on that triangle you will see pop-up message: Screenshot_7.png You…
Colonization - video
PostVery nice and interesting video. Good job Atina! :thumbsup:
Quote from echonia: “ when i am on message page and want to jump ships to another moon, it usually says not enough ships.” Sorry i can't reporoduce this bug. Quote from crusy: “The work around is to deactivate all the check boxes in the "message" area of the ago settings. Those functions don't work anyway.” Yes, because there are no message features currently. All features on messages page are disabled currently. Rewriting of message page is currently in progress, update will come soon.
Quote from Imperor: “It would be interesting to explain that another kind of use colonise mission would be as a mobile planet, but it's use now is so reduced because of the Dark Matter use, but is a real option to be used if a player wants. A mobile planet would be use to do a fleet deployment in it to do a faster attack, but nowadays is ninja the most used.” That is more for >Fleeter guide< For me it is fine, i wouldn't add anything.
RC Converter
PostWebsite is offline. I can't take a review untill you fix it. After fixing it, feel free to send me a message here on board. >>PM<<