Dear players, Version 6.1.0 (Feature) Spy button in spy table (Bugfix) Fixes for 6.1.5 (Bugfix) Message deletion improvement (Bugfix) Send more ships on attack (Polishing) CSS improvements Your AntiGameOrigin Team avatar_1247.png
Well it should be fixed. If not, open another thread about this, and please in English so we can understand you. :P Also please more details, like which antivirus are you using and soo. Closed and moved to archive. :closed2:
Hello canide, First thanks for reporting! That issue is already reported multiple times and on our To Do list. Since there is already a thread about this: [open] sending more cargoes option This thread will be closed. :closed: Thanks for understanding and enjoy playing!
Both bugs are reported and known. 1: [open] Planetnames missing in AGO Account Panel 2: [open] Solar sats - displayed value of energy produced Please take a look for opened threads when reporting new bug.
That is known issue. It happens because too much requests at same time. And we have found solution for deleting all messages with one request. Will be implemented in next version.
Hello Schattenschlumpf, as i told you on IRC. AGO for OGame on mobile view won't be supported. (maybe we will start supporting it in future) I checked current state on it and yes, there are much css problems not only on Fleet page 3.