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  • Attacking Inactives

    Shole - - General


    You can try but system won't let you to attack comagf or any Admin in Retro universe.

  • SpeedSim/WebSim

    Shole - - General


    Exactly, addons,script, tools which add any feature or change design ingame are forbidden until they get approved. Old simulators or excel tables are allowed but you use them on your own risk and responsibility, as said GameForge and OGame Team won't be responsible for any damage caused by wrong calculations.

  • Ally presentation sub-forum

    Shole - - Archive


    Thank you for your suggestion. We will discuss your idea internal and if all of us (board menagement) agree we will make it.

  • Attacking Inactives

    Shole - - General


    Inactive players with (I) are players who made account and never logged on it. Attacking them is fully allowed and those attacks don'the count in Bashing, that means that you can attack them as many times as you want.

  • Alliance management page

    Shole - - General


    Quote from Itsari: “next question.... does BBcode work it seems some commends dont work ...colours for example//” Not all BBcodes work, but some basic like bold, italic, underline should work without any problems.

  • Buying Cristal / Deuterium.

    Shole - - Archive


    Quote from Makrat: “But about trading, which are the official ratios? 3:2:1?” Allowed trade ratios are from minimum 2:1:1 up to maximum 3:2:1.

  • Bug - Ship name abbreviations

    Shole - - Bugs & questions


    Thanks for reporting, added to our TO DO list.

  • Espionage Probe with Cargo Capacity?

    Shole - - General


    Quote from Makrat: “I hope that capacity is used only to send the probe, and cannot be filled by resources” It can be filled with resources also.

  • I can't change my password

    Shole - - General


    Sorry to tell you, but it isn't possible to give account or to take over. Maybe in future.

  • SpeedSim/WebSim

    Shole - - General


    Information regarding combat simulators like SpeedSim, WebSim, DragoSim and other simulators you can read at: Retro Universe combat simulators = Click Quote from Retro Universe combat simulators: “From now on you can use those combat simulators but on your own responsibility, that means also that GameFogre and OGame Team won't be responsible for any kind of bad calculations. (those bad calculations can cause that you might lose more fleet as expected or even whole fleet)”

  • Retro Universe combat simulators

    Shole - - General


    Hello, since there is much confusion regarding combat simulators (etc. SpeedSim, WebSim, DragoSim...) that they aren't tolerated anymore. From now on you can use those combat simulators but on your own responsibility, that means also that GameFogre and OGame Team won't be responsible for any kind of bad calculations. (those bad calculations can cause that you might lose more fleet as expected or even whole fleet) Enjoy playing Retro Universe! Best regards, OGame Origin Team

  • Scripts

    Shole - - General


    Quote from Shole: “This Retro universe will be without any additional premium features like commander or anything what could be bought with Dark Matter.” No commander and also no scripts which add any commander feature.

  • I can't change my password

    Shole - - General


    System generates a secure password for every account, be careful with it and don't share it and your account won't be stolen.

  • New tolerated: 1. Ogniter 2. Available Fields 3. OGame Redesign Enlarged Display Resources (Script Update) 4. OGamator

  • OGamator

    Shole - - Archive - User Project's


    This tool is now officially tolerated. Moved from New Tools to Official Tolerated Tools, Addons & Scripts

  • This tool is now officially tolerated. Moved from New Tools to Official Tolerated Tools, Addons & Scripts

  • Available Fields

    Shole - - Archive - User Project's


    This tool is now officially tolerated. Moved from New Tools to Official Tolerated Tools, Addons & Scripts

  • This tool is now officially tolerated. Moved from New Tools to Official Tolerated Tools, Addons & Scripts

  • New tolerated: - OGame Retro Skins - OGame Retro Live Resources

  • This tool is now officially tolerated. Moved from New Tools to Official Tolerated Tools, Addons & Scripts