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TopRaider's News
PostSite Update : - CSS improvement - Possibility to use a dark theme - Adding the Simulator TrashSim - Adding the average profit on last profits details Big thanks to Silas ! EDIT : - Optimisation of the simulator
the menu
vulca - - Suggestions
PostThe animation have to be finished to choose your sub-menu. Then slower is anoying because you have to wait before put the cursor down to click
TopRaider's News
PostScript v2.3.2.0 v2.3.2.0 No more need to use the API for small looting CR. Inactive farming will be sent faster and that will reduce server works.
Dark Theme
vulca - - Suggestions
PostAdded online here : To better see Nice job Silas !
TopRaider's News
PostSite : Improve performances Script Bugfix for the count of CR sent Fix the problem entailed by raidsTable script on expeditions
- down?
PostThe site seems to have some difficulties while rush period. I just took a hosting more performant. Hoping that this will reduce/stop the latency/down time
TopRaider's News
PostSite - Global expedition statistics can be reset Script - Adding the number of CR/expe sent - Adding the profit sent - Display the errors at the top of the page - Bugfix for sending Missile reports to the convertor with the v6.0.12 EDIT : Script Fix for firefox
You are not the first one complaining about losing the progress. But it never append to me, and i don't know why to could append (exept if you clean your brother cache) Maybe benneb would know more about it. (For your posts which don't appear, that's because you are new on the forum. If you post an external link, the post have to be validated be a moderator. That's like that on all ogame boards )
Dark Theme
vulca - - Suggestions
PostI like it white, but your argument is quite good I'll think about it. That would be nice for night players
The Top raiders of the week/month/year and the Records pages a public. If you don't want to appear here, select "Never" on the "When add your CR : " select box. ( The alliance pages is visible by you alli member (if confirmed by the API) All other pages is private. Only you can acces it. Then if you don't want you profits on public, just select "Never" on the "When add your CR : " select box.