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Thanks for awsers I think that the solution have to come very quickly, because miniers are dying [as all starting player..^^]. If you think that it would take to much time to use the attack profits, you can make, temporary, a very easy modification for the v3.1 which would solve the biggest problem : Replace it : [Bugfix] influence of defense onto amount of honour points partially broken by it : [Bugfix] No more influence of defense onto amount of honour points Really easy and fast to do (replac…
Quote: “I gave that example beacuse it shows that no1 ranked miner won't be an honourable target to a strong MP player. It's logical that weaker miners will have even less MPs, and that their attacker will have to be really weak in MPs to earn honour points. ” The top are the exeption you should look at the middle of the rank Quote: “Please describe what type of uni and players are you talking about? I'm sorry, but this sound to me exactly the same like complaints we have on the forum all the ti…
You show us the to 10 players ... But it's not them who risk the more. It's all others. I speak about ripper because it's the worse. But in FACT many complain about attack against them just for HP (and not only with RIP), and they can do nothing to protect them, or to prevent them. So this is very disheartening. Then for medium & weak player it's a catastrophe Quote: “And whatever your fleet you will always find a minier with enough defense .. ” That's true ... exept maybe at the top of the rank…
Quote: “Whether the fight is honourable or not is determined by a military highscore list. Basically, this is a good idea. If Attacker and target have similar amount of military points, it means that the target has a good chance of defending himself against the attacker, no matter what the attacker sends. In normal circumstances, mass ripper shouldn't be able to get hps by attacking a miner, because of a big difference in military points. But there is a problem in old unis, which have ~100 activ…
Then you think it's honorable to send deathstars on all peaceful player just to have HP and then not being a bandit after destroying weeker players ? Before, if you know how to play, you don't get attacked. But know, there is only 3 solutions to no be attacked for HP : - Having a big fleet to defend you and many free time to play. - Having no defense (but you will be raided for resource earn during the night ^^) - Having a hudge defense with rip and that nobody can attack without loss ... (seems…
Quote: “Instead of talking of final profit, I would say that a combat shouldn't be honorable if the attacker is not victorious. It means, excluding the draw fights from the honorable possibilities. ” There is big honorable fight with fleet VS fleet which can end by a draw (and a big profits) And it won't avoid the free defense destroying to earn PH Quote: “ Quoted Or if you don't want to use the profit, you could at least only count the destroyed fleet, instead of destroyed (fleet+defense), it w…
Hi At the moment, what is an honorable player ? It's someone who attack the most profitable player he found (ie : often with non honorable combats), but then he has negative honorable point But it's not a problem, because it's easy to earn positive honorable points : you juste have to find a nice (ph) turtles, and send your deathStar (or destroyer ...) against him. Then you are a nice emperor who attack weak targets, and who break defenses without any profits ... Then now, the honore ranking enc…
Hi At the moment, the ratio is calculate like that : ratio = (attaking fleet)/(defender fleet) I think it have to be that : ratio = (attaking fleet)/(defender fleet + defense) I remember that one spoke about it at the begining of the V3, but no news about it ... The current ratio is very annoying for the noobs. Because they often cannot attack honorable players, and when they spy "non honorable" target, they cannot attack due to the fleet escape. I'll give you an example : Your target have 50 VB…
[Bugfix] wrong fleet behaviour after moon destruction Is it about the invisible deployement moon to moon ? I don't care about it , but I think there is a point that could be not very liked : Quote: “[Feature] amount of ships in tooltip in military ranking” Many player cry because it's too easy to know the fleet of others with the new military rankings It will be worse^^ Exept that, it's should be a good update (exept incoming new bug )
Hi I think it should be very usefull if the espi report show you if you will do a honorable fight or not Because now, it's not easy to know if the defender fleet can escape or not. So it would be easier with it. EDIT : This is almost done with the 3.1 :)
Simulateur v 3.0 - Info : Script to adapt speedsim and Dragosim for the v3.0 - Author : Vulca - Website : - Support : - Download : - Screenshot : picture - Browser : all ? - Languages : all [spoiler=Description] It adds the fleet value and the ratio between attacker and defendre on speedSim and DragoSim (online) picture [/align] [/spoiler] removed imageshack pics ( Valent)
Quote from JoKy: “Hmmm Nice Idea, we have to think of how we implement this idea... board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…9ae17f9a28f2f68fbc351a84e When you have the 20 char planetname, there is no free space on the right side ... so a second line there for the playername?” The player name is usefull, the planet name isn't In the worse case if you don't find space to add the player name, i think you can delete the planet name anyway there is not so many player+planet name which are more than 20 char, t…
Hi The InfoCompte script The payback time the Sequence of mines/techno to build the remaining time before the next full hangar > Site < Installation Translation script : [have to run before Infocompte] InfoCompte3 script : work with all community Firefox-icon.png Firefox Google-Chrome-icon.png Chrome browser-opera-icon.png Opera safari.gif Safari Description I) T…
This great suggestion : Fleet 3 - Add playername after planetname remind me another one very usefull that i didn't see here (sorry if i'm wrong ) When somebody spy you, you have it : Quote: “ Space Monitoring Espionage action ” It would be much better to have it : Quote: “ Space Monitoring Espionage action of your moon [1:5:9] by badGuy” And to have detail, you click and have it : Quote: “ A foreign fleet from planet Homeworld [1:8:4] was sighted near your planet moon [1:5:9]. Chance of counter-…
Quote from Requiem: “ @ vulca - who's going to pop all your moons? Would the losses of 20-30 deathstars cover the profit of the fleet crash? I think not.” It's possible Or curent top hof maker tried to break 4 (5?) of my 9 moons... without any clue about where I fleetsave and with which mission. That must be because of the lake of target in old universes Anyway I agree with you, but there is not only the colo mission who can do that
With the eternal inactives with DM and without any defense it's the same. With all debris field that are (was?) in old uni without any planet, it's also the same. And these technique have a big fail : The moon break who dare to fleet save like that when you know someone want you fleet ? (i won't according to the number of destruction attempt against my moons I had ^^) edit : Taro, before it was forbiden when you had all your planets