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  • 1) That works !! My bad. Thanks 2) No, I mean, currently we can only see the CR ID on the detailed combat reports. It would be usefull to have it on the non detailed CR (in the ogame message page) Then we don't have to open the detailed CR to send it to a converter, or other tool 3) OK EDIT : The date of the CR will be needed for CR converter (at least in france, the date is mandatory) It would be nice to add it

  • 1) When I trie to display data from the API, I only have things like that : Source Code (1 line) I must do something wrong. What I need to write instead of "// Parse and store information in your own database here!" To display for example the metal loots ? 2) Is it possible to put the CR key somewere in the resumed CR ? (displayed or not) 3) I have a key for Bermuda. Does it mean that we will need a different key for each universes ? Thanks for the API, and ansers

  • The IPM thing is mostly for miniers But ok, i will add an option (later ^^) I'll do the same for the CR list (like "only show 10 last RC / Show all CR)

  • Quote: “Suggestion, could you add the profits per day to the statistics page? ” That already on the charts page Quote: “Also maybe add a tab to total profits at the top to cover each resource type. It is possible to get the info from the profits page, but it's rather a pain to put in the date all the time.” OK, I will Quote: “Maybe also change graphs to go from single color for all resources to each resource type having its own color and stack on top of each other. Thanks in advance.” The proble…

  • You right. Bad idea

  • It's not in the CR, and it's useless in the CR. But it could be usefull for converter or some other tools. then if it's possible to access that, it's cool. If not, too bad

  • sorry for the double post, I have a question/request : Would it be possible to have the deuterium consumption ? Or the speed percent of each fleet to calculate it ? It could be cool for my project, and for CR converters to know that

  • Perfect Thanks

  • Hi, thanks for this API Just a question. On the presentation : Dev Post: Planned new API for retrieval of combat reports. I don't see the debris field created, nether the raided ressources. Is it somewere ? Will it be available later ? Thanks

  • Quote: “With 6.0, will it be possible to automatically submit the CRs so we don't have to open each CR individually?” yes, it is very likely

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    vulca - - OGame API


    Hi ! I would be glad to test it Here are my site : TopRaider - To know the profits you make each day and compare it to others It's to know how many profits we make each day, and if we want to, compare it with other raiders Thanks for this API

  • At first I just wanted to know how much profits I have each day. (With an history and charts ^^) Then, I though it would be a good idea to compare player's profits too And yeah it was

  • Quote: “Then I read you let people upload CR's, right? That makes it quite accurate per case, but not really universe wide right? Because it only displays those who have installed your script if im not mistaken. ” That's right. The script upload the CRs when you open it. For the accuraty universe wide, it depends. On my universes ( the script is used by almost all activ raiders and even by many miners who used SC to raid ^^. But anyway, who care if the ranking is accurate or not ? There…

  • I'm sorry :p I gave you back your account and deleted the wrong CR. Can you trie to install this version of the script and tell me if it works well : Thanks

  • Just read you mail What is this bug ? I never saw it before :x

  • I just saw that the script only worked with french universes I fixed it. It should works well for all community ps : one often ask if I can add a bouton to open each combat report automatically to send them. Is that allowed ?

  • TopRaider - Info : To know the profits made each day, and compare to others - Author : Vulca - Website : - Download : - Screenshot : see below - Browser : Chrome/FF - Languages : All Hi Here is a new website I just made for raider. TopRaider Then, what is this site ? It's a website that allows raider to see the profits they make each day/weeks/month or whatever period you want with raid summaries and charts : Here are a raid summary…

  • Quote from Valent: “There is another aspect : many players are playing both communities. A merge will not help any of them. The two communities are distinct in many aspects offering to players multiple choices, a merge will certain reduce these choices. just an aspect to be considered .” Same for every merge. Anyway a merge is a better solution than simply close all universes like gameforge did with some communities with too few players

  • Quote from Warsaalk: “Adding the tech id to every list item would be a massive improvement. Via this way it'd be easy for Javascript to query a specific tech from within the spy report via a certain identifier and thus get its corresponding level.” On the V6, you can use the images class to know what reserch it is (same with combat report) But yes, it could be usefull to have a class/ID/name on the html tags containing each level