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Or with topraider :…0b615767bced57ef8b450468b (you can customise the skin if registered) 1434207631-topblanc.png The following fleets fight the : Attacker ciap [] 0% | 0% | 0% Espionage Probe 1 VS Defender roko [] 0% | 0% | 0% fvh5.png Attacker ciap [] 0% | 0% | 0% Espionage Probe 1 (-0) VS Defender roko [] 0% | 0% | 0% destroyed 1441684672-result81.png The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 0 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium The attacker lost a total of 0 u…
Once the universe get older, it get empty, and you have to attack more and more farer (and with more fleet). Having a way to reduce the consuption would be a great idea to keep having tagets. But why "till lvl 15 ??"
Once the universe get older, it get empty, and you have to attack more and more farer (and with more fleet). Having a way to reduce the consuption would be a great idea to keep having tagets. But why "till lvl 15 ??"
Very good idea Colonization is too safe. It would be nice to make player think again about how they should fleetsave to be safe EDIT : i would let the (*) for 15 minutes only. And then nothing. Then you have to check at the right time to see it.
10% of the reel consumption, not the basic one Then it will never reach 0 whatever the level you have (like for the ion technology, I don't think you win ressources when you destroye a building with ions level 26) Anyway, graviton 10 means AT LEAST 7 years of building satellites (with 1sec per sat) .... Or 44.000 time reductions with DM. Won't be easy to reach :p According to the cost of the technology, 10% is not abused
From .fr, i saw 2 reccurent ideas : - The more logical is increasing the efficiency of the RIP for a moon breaks for attackers / Increasing the moon resistance for defender (by True Story) - The more usefull is reducing the ships consumption : (partily by Tomlora) Quote: “Graviton is currently used to reduce the gravitaty strenght of the moon mass to destroye it. But we can use the technology the reduce the gravity effect on the mass of our ships too ! Then they will need less deuterieum to acce…
Quote: “In OGame there are several functions available when you are in vmode e.g. writing messages, click through systems in galaxy and also exchange resources (this was the reason why auctions are also available) or buy resources.” I think that going to the galaxy should be forbiden in Vmode too V.mode is for vacation. It's not to play under a protection... If you want to play (check accounts activities, biding etc) why not going out of the V mode ?
Quote from Shole: “Quoted from "IgorZ" As I noticed earlier: I can make it, but it needs one more XML parsing and I'm afraid that it could be laggy for browser. For now it is not laggy. You can add one more XML parsing and we will see...” It takes 20 secondes for me to display the stats when it's loading it It's not a good idea to add more XML parsing or it ould crash the script ... Or don't do it often, and not when you are loading the ranking data. EDIT : 50 second to load with as universe wit…
Hi, Is it possible to add the id of the defence somewhere on the IPM report source code ? At the moment, a script cannot know what is destroyed without using the langage. 1439146760-5254cdf463488cf131c85446ede0762a648bd673sign-1.png You could do like on CR report : adding a class with the ships ID : Source Code (6 lines)