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Post1) There is a list of official tolerated addons. Others are not. for the v6 : Ogame 6.0 Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins 2) Banned for bot using or scripting
Traducción TopRaider
PostSpanish language added I added few text in the last day. Then that's not translated. I'll quicky finish to add all I want to, and post here the new translations to do. (then you'll make the new translations in one time :P) Thank you all EDIT : Here is the few now translations to make : (Hidden Content) Thanks
Yes, an all="[ressourceName"]:" could be nice too for simulator, you can use this link : just need to enter the espi API key You can also send espi report directly from the ingame short espi report with the last InfoCompte version. Or with this script I made to improve the v6 espio reports : Improve v6
Hi I fixed it with my improve v6 script, but it should be fixed in the game : Because of the alt="....." on espio reports' images, when you copy and past it, it's look like that : Quote: “Resources 214.941 86.221 44.194 11.463 Fleets Schiffname Large Cargo 120 Schiffname Solar Satellite 121 Defence Verteidigungsname Rocket Launcher 2.800 Verteidigungsname Light Laser 100 Verteidigungsname Heavy Laser 442 Verteidigungsname Gauss Cannon 22 Verteidigungsname Ion Cannon 11 Verteidigungsname Plasma T…
2 attacks against the same player(Planet/moon) - not same honor coloring in fleet movement
vulca - - Bug Reporting
PostSeems to appeared when the planet name is too long reported
Hi ! I just added a page to enable the use of speedsim with the V6 : Just need to copy and past the API key on the top. You can also send espi report directly from the ingame short espi report with the last InfoCompte version. Or with this script I made to improve the v6 espio reports : Improve v6 Enjoy
I add +10% of SC, to be sure to get what he will produce during the flight time (this option is mostly used to attack inactives player without any defense. If there is plenty of ress, better to use GF number) And I remove the LC, cause there is not enough space anymore. And As GF added it, it's not very usefull anyway