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Quote from fl00ri: “ Does "hideHour" really just hide the hour and not the full time? What should be the reason for this? If instead the full time is meant, then use this translation "Verberge Einschlagszeit" (hide time of impact) ” it's hiding the full time. But keep the date. I'll change the english translation. Quote: “ At 'EquiProfits' and 'ProrataProfits' the focus is on "profits" and then secondly how to declare it. So order the translation with the same focus: Profits in equal amount for …
moon via tutorial
PostA moon is an big advantage and should not be given like that. Agreed that fleet saving have to be added in the tutorial. As for the moons capacity (to warn newbies about what it can do). But giving a moon to every body is to much. Anyway you can fleet save without it.
buff solar plant
PostThere is already 3 way to make energy (4 if you count the energy technology) You have to make strategic choice, and that's better like that. If you reduce the utility of the satellites and the fusion plants, there will be no more strategy in the planet placement => all in cold spot. And they won't extra deut at the hot planets because there is already axtra deut on the COLD one ... To balance with the lake of energy
I added a ressources' sharing calculator on the CR convertor ! It's for equal profits between each participant. (i will add an option for the sharing depend on the fleet you sent later) Just need to enter all recycling report (and loots report if you want), and looks at the sharing colum. And even if you have your own sharing methode, the display of what each players lost/recycle/loots will make you win many time Also added a little SR convertor :
New translations for the new site version, and the coming soon new version :) Quote: “'alliOnly'=> "Your alliance only", 'hideTech'=> "Hide technologies", 'hideHour'=> "Hide the impact time", 'Loots'=> "Loots", 'Harvests'=> "Recycling", 'Sharing'=> "Sharing", 'ProfitsTh'=> "Theorical profits", 'ChoseSharing'=> "How to share profits :", 'EquiProfits'=> "Profits in equal amount for each participiant", 'ProrataProfits'=> "Profits in dependance of the sent fleet value", 'ReConv' => "Espio report con…
Submitting new tools
PostQuote from TheDuke: “1) I know that list. That's what I was referrring to. That was not the question. I asked why you don't tell starters clearly about this.... They begin to play and might use tools which are not allowed. You should have a clear statement on this right from the beginning. Many players leave time and money here and then even don't know they are doing something wrong and get punished. That's not fair. 2) Same here. I didn't ask why we can be banned. I asked based on what technica…