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TopRaider's News
PostSite : - Fix for IPM on CR convertor and sharing profit's table Script : ( - Some fixes for expeditions - Bugfix to send IPM to the convertor
TopRaider's News
PostSite : - Adding the Expeditions Script : ( - Sending expeditions - Adding a button to send spy reports to the combat simulator - Adding colors on SpeedSim - Adding the Flee ratio on SpeedSim
Eridanus Merge
Post -
2) Installation 1) How to register to the website ? Registration are made automatically after sending a CR to the site via the topraider script 2) How to install the script. - With Google Chrome * If you don't have it, install the TamperMonkey addon :…fjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=fr * Install the TopRaider script : - With Firefox * If you don't have it, install the GreaseMonkey addon :…
I) Présentation Here is a new website I just made for raider : TopRaider 1) Then, what is this site ? It's a website that allows raider to see the profits they make each day/weeks/month or whatever period you want with raid summaries and charts. There is also a CR/SR converter for the V6 And make SpeedSim and DragoSim usable with the V6. 2) Raid summary Here are a raid summary of the day and the week : 8x3h.png 3) Charts And here are the kind of charts you can find : 1445693313-ztopw2.png 4) Ran…
Hi, If there is TopRaider's users who want to translate the site, feel free to do it Here is what you need to translate : TopRaider EN Translation (100%) (Only translate what is right to the =>. And don't touche to [***] or <**> things Then you can post your translation here on a new theard, or sent it to me by PM or email ( ) You there is already a theard about your language, post you translation / modification on it Thanks all. ru.png pl.png tr.png it.png…