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  • You need to have GreaseMonkey plugin with firefox. ( ) Or the TamperMonkey pluging for Chrome or most of other browser. (

  • [ALL LANGUAGES] Expedition messages

    vulca - - Translations


    I don't know, it seems to me that these are the only important things. As i'm saving all messages, it would be possible to detect every kind of expedition But there will be many messages to sort, does it worth it ? If you think it does, then why not. And i'll show again the un-sorted messages to let you sort them all (maybe will should wait to have a more complet messages list)

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations



  • Expeditions in TopRaider

    vulca - - Suggestions


    Database is now ready to display the stats with : - The numbers of each kind of expedition - The profits / Loss got for each kind - The average profits / Loss for each kind And that for : - The past 7 days - All expeditions sent. I'll made the expedition statistic page once I have time and motivation for it. (soon i hope) It's currently not planned to add the min/max for each kind, neither to be able to choose the date range for the stats. That would take many space on the database to keep every…

  • TopRaider RU Translation (96%)

    vulca - - Translations


    ru.png Added ! Wassup told me that he wanted to make the russian translation, do you know about it ? If not, maybe you should tell him that it's done Expeditions should be correctly detect ressources/ships/darkmatter won too. (I read that some were looking for it on russian board) if you want to add merchant / fleet loss too, i'll need the expedition messages for that ( [ALL LANGUAGES] Expedition messages ) Thanks anyway !

  • [ALL LANGUAGES] Expedition messages

    vulca - - Translations


    Hi, As said, i'm saving all différents Expedition messages I'm recieving. They are displayed here : Then you can look for merchant/fleet loss/Aliens/Delay/Advance messages for you languages (if there is a backgroud color, that's OK) Just tell me which messages is for what (example: "de 398" => Merchant). It look like there is 2 differents messages for mercant, and 5 for fleet loss. For those who are playing with a languages still not supported by topraider, …

  • Anormal activity detector

    vulca - - Feedback & Discussions


    6.0.11 fixes a bug on activities displayed on spy reports. (activity >60min instead of <15min when you sent 2 prob within the same seconde) And when I read the english changelog, i think it's clearly about that. Then the french changelog may have a translation problem, cause it clearly speaks about an operating tool (But i like the way french guy think that they now can easily be blocked because of some bots :P)

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations


    Added Sorry for your loss

  • Hi, I started to save all different expedition messages that the script does not reconize. Then I think i will soon have a complet list for each languages, and you will be able to tell me which are the merchant/fleet loss messages And I saw that won ressources weren't reconized for some languages (PT, ES). it should be fixed

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations


    Yes, there is another one :s This one's added

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations


    Yes, it look like the other one. Added

  • Hi, Yes you can Make sure to use the same Email/password You may send CRs twice, but anyway the server won't save them twice.

  • TopRaider DE Translation (96%)

    vulca - - Translations


    Needed : the second message for when you find a merchant in expedition (not this one : Deine Expeditionsflotte hatte kurzen Kontakt zu einer etwas scheuen Alien-Rasse. Diese haben verkündet, einen Repräsentanten mit Tauschwaren zu Deinen Welten schicken zu wollen.)

  • TopRaider HR Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations


    Yes, that's the hard part Updated

  • TopRaider's News

    vulca - - Bugs & Questions


    Site : - SpeedSim have correct DF pourcentage when >30% - SpeedSim take care about the defense in DF for uni with that Script 2.2.3 : - Fix conflict with other scripts

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations


    The ogame message content is needed To be able to reconize when you find a merchant or when you lose your fleet in expedition. It's not really a job for translators, but for users who make many expedition

  • Depopulation suggestions

    vulca - - Feedback & Discussions


    In some universes there is so many inactiv that it's hard to colonize new planets ... And they ask to delete inactives with DM (or at least moved it elsewhere) Anyway, i don't see how increase the inactives will bring back new actives

  • Completly agree with you Impulse and hyp are better engine. It should at the worse cost as much as the combustion engine for the same flight time. Because you put a new better engine, and your recycler cost more deut to send them at the same speed than before ? That's very weird... Having to pay more for more speed, that makes sens. But having to pay more for the same speeds with better engine, that make no sense to me

  • DF % in speedsim

    vulca - - Bugs & Questions


    Should be done ! Please confirme it's working

  • DF % in speedsim

    vulca - - Bugs & Questions


    Oh, yes, i forgot about that. Will fixe it soon