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  • The user will test it very soon, I will write again here when I know more

  • Hello On the chat bar i have a chat conversation that can't be closed so it disappears from the chat bar, It can be closed once but then when I refresh the page or go to some other place in OGame the chat conversation is still open. I can close it again but then the same happens again. I have tested it with another browser and tried to make sure its read, but it still happens

  • Its annoying for raiders when they spy a lot of people to find targets, they can better go throw their reports if they can open them manually and they don't get marked as read automatically after you go to Messages. Hope a solution to this can be made

  • The pop-up that comes up can disappear again and you have to be good with your mouse to copy them, so I think maybe its better to make them so a pop up comes up and the API key is in a text box. Then you can click on the text box to mark all and then Copy or it could be automatically copied to the clipboard when you click on the text box

  • Hello Trying to find out an issue with a player, his add-ons are deactivated but on Small Cargo, Large Cargo and Battleship the text boxes are freezing sometimes so he can't put in his own number of ships. He can only click on the image of the ship to select max ships or no ships Can't find any logical solution to it so please see if there is a bug Screnshot of where the problem appears: ec1e0671277e42a6abe397788ea980c2.png

  • Oh okay, but I hope maybe the OGame Developers will implement it Many of the features in AntiGame could be implemented in OGame, everyone loves AntiGame because of its features

  • Hello Don't know if this was a feature in AntiGame Origin, but it was nice to be able to click on a planet to spy it in the Galaxy view

  • 1c6e3b59513136e951283c650b8a2ed2.png On this screen the inactive player is shown as online because of the green dot. 5e4dab3305859e4f7eab9d0f09ebeba0.png But the player is not online or active

  • v6 feedback

    ErikFyr - - Feedback & Discussions


    The go button in Galaxy works with enter key if you disable AntiGame

  • Chatbar hides planet

    ErikFyr - - Archive - OGame Planet


    d613fba9363e624a60ad5f4e22b6303f.png When you have many planets, the chatbar can hide the planet

  • Quoted from a player:Quote: “ Something which annoys me SOOO MUCH is that espionage reports get read automatically. So if I send out 10 espionages, then view them starting at the bottom like I always do, then send a raid to one of them, THEY ARE ALL MARKED 'READ.' So now I have about 2 dozen espionage reports and it is costing me soooo much extra trouble to see which I sent an attack to and which not. Please just let US open them, not by default. This change is not a necessity at all, and only c…

  • 1VFiOUw This is confusing to some players, make it more obvious that the 312.559.289 is the deuterium you have to pay and 4.667.022.400 is the total cargo Make it like this: Quote: “ Deuterium consumption: 312.559.289 Total cargo: 4.667.022.400 ”

  • Quoted from a player: Quote: “I don't know if maybe anyone else has noticed this or pointed it out, but in the message area under the Fleets button, the subheader (there is no header) looks like this: ognewsfeed1.png where the blank is one of {Espionage, Combat Reports, Expeditions, Unions, Other}, depending on what tab you have selected. The word "Delete" is a link which deletes all messages; the rest is just text. It seems to me like there is a typo of some kind here: either the word "or" is a…

  • Hello There is a problem with API keys in combat reports, they are not easy enough to copy so my suggestion is to make them pop-up in a text box or something like that In the detailed combat report, the API key button does not work

  • Hello On there is missing coordinates on espionage reports, add-ons do not cause the problem Edit: Espionage reports seems to be working as they should. Also when players are being spied, there is no planet name and coordinates shown´in those reports. Screenshot from a player: ~Red Dragon: @08-10 - Moved to archive

  • I agree with Goran, the influence they can have on other players in auctions is the problem

  • I think its a good idea, if you are in vacation mode then you are not supposed to play Have heard it be suggested a few times before

  • Its true that, that kind of thing could be done with a script but I thought it would be nice to have it in the game Then we don't have to use a script to get that or calculate it our self

  • I though if you could make some text below the Loot percent that says how many resources you would get out of attacking that player I have created an example below board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…711e5388f3c228af63105954e

  • Sounds good, thats a good way to do it too