Hey Warsaalk I got 2 ideas for Universview, could you add a players rank number next to their username in galaxy ? And number of resources in debris field instead of the icon in galaxy ? These features was in AGO but it could be useful to have them in Universview too
Last time someone wrote about it was at 14 server time. It might not be a problem anymore right now I think the event has stopped, I can't find the event planets anywhere. Yes and it also happened when the planet was spied
Hello A lot of users report on OGame.dk that their fleet gets stuck while its moving, when the fleet comes home its stuck on done, hasn't returned and use fleet slots still. Some report that after a few hours it finally returns. It seems like some lag
I haven't heard from the user yet and I guess he was the only one experiencing this problem, I think this problem had something to do with his computer I just set this to clarified for now
Quated from a player: Quote: “BEFORE: here is the link: click me NOW: here is the link: click me Also, some BBCode functions seem to be missing, but are still functionable when you write them manually .” Links are preferred to be white as before in messages. What he means with BBCode functions being missing are the buttons for them
Okay thank you for clarifying that But then my suggestion is to make the word fleet hyperlink styled and white to show that you can see the fleet there in a pop-up, when you put your mouce over it
Hello In the game before the update full numbers was in the espionage reports, now they are shortened with Mio in the end. Seems like players prefer full numbers instead
3e1d4b035ac0d401907eea50c336e9c2.png When you put your mouse over the word "Flåde" (Fleet) then you can see what kind of ships it is but it was not easy to figure out, maybe make it hyperlink styled and white Also the fleet does now appear in the Resource delivery messages between your own planets/moons
Hello I can't remember if I have reported it before but it would be nice if the tabs switched automatically to the newest messages when you open up the message system
a1c590d5cdd6725ddaa1d52f2cf6ed9d.png Sending a message to alliance without choosing receivers will not send the message, but only send you back to the Fleet tab Also please make it so if you don't choose receivers then the message will be send to the whole alliance