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Problem found: UniverseView uses tech names to match them in the Spy messages with their corresponding level. Non standard characters fail to match via the used regular expression. That's the reason why some technologies fail to match in the Hungarian community and probably others to.
I think about half an hour.
Could also come in handy when using a different computer. To be honest, I wasn't really planning on building extra features for this extension. Because I don't have much time since I started working. Now I'm thing about rewriting the extension once more an make it opensource so other people can continue my work. Give me some time to decide what I'm going to to
Ok that's what I needed to know. I'm UTC + 2, Brussels. I know it's a bad idea, but I don't see another solution right now. What you could do is deleting the Chrome database files instead of only removing it via the UV menu. But since you also tried Firefox, which also didn't work, I don't think that's the problem.
It does matter what you spy setting is, we're trying to find the cause. Did you test both settings, because I can't tell from your posts if you did? Another and much faster way is if you send me your login data via PM so I can login and see if it's your computer or your universe. I know it's not the best way but I don't think we'll find the problem this way. 1 tip before you do this, change your original password to a temporary one and change it back after I took a look. Save your fleet and leav…
Well you need to read a spy message before the techs get registered. When you spy a player can you see his techs ? And again, what is your spy message setting in Ogame ? Debug & log functions for testers come in handy when you got a massive userbase, a lot of code and can't test all the code by yourself. This isn't the case with UniverseView.
Ok, that's normal But did the question marks in the tooltip disappear after you read a spy message ? Recover default isn't needed to fix this problem, only the remove button for the player database.
Mmmm that's weird. What operating system are you using ? Can you try this in chrome ingame: 1. Go to overview and press this combination Ctrl+Shift+J 2. Go to UV menu and delete the player database 3. Refresh the overview page 4. Go to the galaxy page or messages page wait a few seconds and see if errors are thrown** 5. If any errors are shown please take a screenshot and past it here ** You can see if it is an error if the text line is red, like this example:…nsol…
Hi, Have you tested it in the normal Google Chrome browser (not portable) ? Also do you see players their planets in the tool tip ? No, this tool doesn't have a debug or log function.
Ok, well that's the way it is designed. The favourite target feature and the player spreading are 2 completely different things. The spreading profiles are only used for the spreading feature. I was thinking about going through the code again, I'll take a note of your request but I can't promise anything.
Which browser are you using (and version) ? Can you delete the player database via the UniverseView menu and try again ?
Hi, Thanks for the report. 1 question what setting are you using for spy reports ? Full spy report or not ? Grtz, War
Webserver update
Warsaalk - - UniverseView
PostDear users, Today I did some changes to my webserver. New virtual machine & installed automatic backup software. This should reduce the time needed to restore the server, preventing senarios like last time where it took me a while to restore the server. You may have experienced little downtime, which shouldn't have lasted more than 1 minute. Grtz, War
Down time UniverseView
Warsaalk - - UniverseView
PostUniverseView is up and running again Thanks for your patience
Down time UniverseView
Warsaalk - - UniverseView
PostHi, I'm switching back to my old server, which is reinstalled now. UniverseView should be up and running again in a few minutes. Thanks for your patiance. Grtz, War