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==Where do I find good targets?== To find good targets to raid you should look around your environment and spy on all that could be a good target. You should look at weaker players or players of similar strength and inactive players can sometimes be a worthwhile target. The location of the target is also important - the more distant it is from your planet, the longer the flight will last and the more deuterium will be burnt up, therefore the attack will pose a bigger risk to take a loss. ==Now c…
==Where do I find good targets?== In the last chapter spying on players and thus gathering information about their planets was described in detail. To find good targets to raid you should look around your environment and spy on all that could be a good target. Above all you should look at weaker players or players of similar strength and inactive players can sometimes be a worthwhile target. The location of the target is also important - the more distant it is from your planet, the longer the fl…
To do: - short and clear sentences instead of 'storymode' - last paragraph rewrite: add totally destroyed fleet does not count + add 'normal speed uni' where is general rule explained - last paragraph and pushing cut... reference to rules tutorial <17-02-2014> [19:58:21] <@Valent> so maybe use : when attacking you should also have in mine the rules , see guide
To do: <17-02-2014> [19:43:49] <@Valent> maybe add something like : You can enhance your spying by using premium features , read more in .... <17-02-2014> [19:43:58] <@Icegirl> like: 'Some of premium features can help you to use more slots while spying with direct links and even add 2 levels on your Espionage level. For more information, check <<Premium features>>. __________________ Done!! Updated first post and locked.
Team meetings
PostGuides team meeting: 7:30pm (german time) Topic: Going on with the 8 - 11 tutorials for the OGame Wiki Related links: Timeline How to work WIKI To-Do List (ongoing work + further work + searching for help) proposed workflow for the wiki
Little update for you all.. I'm calling next meeting: 17.2.2014 - 7:30 (+1 german) time we will do: Tutorials: 08, 09, 10, 11 please take a look into all 4 and sugest your edits.. there is plenty of time (10 days)
Dear friends, We will have to delay guides meetings next 2 weeks because Valent is busy with work and i have bunch of exams. Please dont hesitate to give tut advices and edits. Everything will be considered on our next meeting. I will inform you on time when it will be Thank you for help Feel free to poke me if you need me (pm or irc) i will find time
to do: [19:41:19] <@Valent> In other respects both trade partners will be banned because of pushing, if the rule is broken, that means a stronger player profits by a one-way trade. [19:41:27] <@Valent> this is not a good text [19:41:58] <@danimanza|meeting> it's not [19:42:47] <@Icegirl> hmm [19:42:51] <@Icegirl> where you found it xD [19:43:01] <@Valent> I'd say : If the trades is not within the legal trade rates or is not finished in time, the GO can ban both acounts for pushing [19:43:18] <@V…