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  • Already send a email to them ! I saw on ogame's facebook yesterday that they're going to work with notifications on their ipad app? So how will this work, because how i see it, it's a pain in the deut supplies of fleeters. How long untill these notifications refresh for instance ?

  • Well are there any GA's around here ? I'll probably ask the dutch GA .

  • If they have the passwords to his accounts they can yes. I suppose the multi-account rules and sitting rules also apply on the rss feature. But to be sure, can anyone confirm this ?

  • Quote from benneb: “please don't modify Officiers Source Code (2 lines) ” Well the problem was that it interfered with the second AntiGameOrigin clock ! So i needed to solve that. I also got another idea, maybe just make the officer images smaller ?

  • OGame API

    Warsaalk - - OGame API


    Json would indeed be faster and more usefull in some cases. I'd also like to test that ! But i'd still like to have the xml version for now Because it's easy to use native DOM to search for nodes etc !

  • Update 2.1.2 Not a big update, just some small changes. - The firefox extension now updates itself. (please install it again so you'll have the autoupdate version) - UniverseView notification pops up in the left top corner instead of right bottom corner, also added border to notification. - Better names for browser databases, you'll probably have to update the database again. - Removed some code which worked with older ogame version. Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via my website…

  • Update 2.1.0 Hi, First of all i build a new website for UniverseView ! The site is available via, and the main address All information about UniverseView can be read on the website. Secondly UniverseView is now available as Google Chrome extension and Mozilla Firefox extension. They can be downloaded on my website. The Chrome extension is also available in the webstore. Thirdly your now able to download the serverside database and script…

  • Google Chrome

    Warsaalk - - Archive - User Project's


    That's what i've been doing the whole time So no probs for me. This may be a little bit faster, correct me if i'm wrong Source Code (3 lines)

  • Hi, Damn it has been more than a month since my last post ! Well to let you know i'm still working on UniverseView. My school project finishes this week, so i'll have more time for the script. What did i do in the mean time: - Finished the serverside database, it'll be released with the next UniverseView update What will i do: - Make UniverseView available as Chrome extension and FireFox extension (should be faster) - Extend and improve the existing features - Polish the script probably When tha…

  • Central Server

    Warsaalk - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Nice idea ! You have my vote !

  • Well, this is a very good idea Would be very nice !

  • AntiGame Origin

    Warsaalk - - Archive - User Project's


    Those are nice numbers ! Congratz on the nice developement, your doing a great job !

  • Hi, Update the translation thread. There are now 3 places which need a translation! The ingame menu Inscript texts and wiki Menu and inscript have priority, because wiki is quite a lot of work. Thanks in advance

  • Update 2.0.0 Hi, I've been working a long time on this update. Because so much changed, from features to the code itself, i'm releasing it as version 2.0.0. I'm not going to put this post full of images like always. Why not ? Because i made something that looks like a wiki. It'll be available ingame and offline. Information about the new features can be found on the wiki. Here's a list of the things that changed - Possibility to turn off features. - New: Quicksearch for players and alliances - N…

  • I think your solution = jumpgate

  • wonderful

    Warsaalk - - Archive - User Project's


    Quote from NeoArc: “Good evening. Nice to see new features of the Ogame API. Well, I have a suggestion: A new document, similar to playerData.xml: http://[unidomain]/api/allianceData.xml?id= Both would be useful when the players.xml and alliances.xml documents have already been cached by the server, and there's no info available for a new player/alliance. Best regards.” What would allianceData contain ? Because i don't see a problem. alliances.xml containts the player id's, i think that's enough…

  • Would indeed make sence to always show the subject.

  • Would indeed make sence to always show the subject.

  • Jumpgate count down.

    Warsaalk - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Just install antigame Added standard feature "Open the jumpgate again when the cooldown counter expires"