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Search results 141-160 of 290.
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Hello players, Since there was missunderstanding, I decided to make it clear. You don't have to build yards and research labs. To unlock ships, you will have to up only research requirements. You do it by ticket system, not game. New deadline will be: 21.6., 13:00 server time. Please write english if possible. Best regards
Dear players, We will skip round 2. We are starting round 3 now. First 8 participants from the list will continue with contest. Nicknames are written below. 1) You have: 300.000.000 Deuterium to build characteristics (researches). Keep in mind that you have to build researches needed for ships. If you don't build them, you won't be able to get ships in next step (even if you have enough resources). 2) You have: 500.000.000 Deuterium to build your own virtual fleet. Fleet can be built only if res…
Everyone will get same amount of resources. There will be additional resources based on points. x points = x resources. Building time does not matter. We 'offer' you a resources, and you have to make calculation and write down everything you want for that resources. Keeping in mind researches for ships or you can't make that ship. No, there won't be update beacause its pointless to count each 5 levels of something every day. We will calculate points when 1st round is about to finish.
Sure.. Researches Every time you reach 8 levels, you will get 1 point. Further on, all below 8 levels will be 0 point. 8 levels is 1 point, 16 levels are 2 points and so on. So 1 point on every 8th level. Mines Every time you reach 5 levels, you will get 1 point. That means that 5 levels are 1 point, 10 levels are 2 points and so on. Mines will be calculated together (metal, crystal, deuterium. So, 3 levels of metal, 1 level of crystal and 1 level of deuterium is 5 levels which is 1 point. Exped…
Dear players, I still don't see most of your accounts. If you didn't give up, contact me with your information. Also, this is how you can gather points: 2ivo1t.png Please report 20% hits via your application ticket in support system to avoid possible problems. Follow rules and good hunt on points! Your Origin Team
Dear players, I have found in game by nick from applications only these players: kLH Peppone k4czan bolacha dividus S034 brot ciap Patison Gusty bowr Barba Negra crisdias_ogame GLB ALienLuxe Horcon Rick ovroC If you are not on the list but you have an account, please contact me ingame or via your existing support system ticket so I can put you on the list. Players that didnt apply and are not on the list, won't be considered as contest participants. Regards
Dear participants, We are brining you contest rules which are valid only for contest participants while this contest. Contest rules Standard OGame rules applies to the contest. Breaking any rule will result in suspension from the contest. By registering every user agrees to know and understand rules. 1. Accounts Each account is entitled to be played by a single player at any time. Each player is allowed to control a single account per universe. 2. Account Sitting Sitting is not allowed during th…
Dear players, We are accepting your applications until 1st June. All you have to do is to submit a ticket to OGame.Origin with requested information: a) Universe and nickname. b) Community board c) Origin board nickname You can register with nick you applied with to Origin universe on 1st June, from 3pm german time. We will not tolerate early registrations. For those who register and start playing before given date, there will be consequences. Special rules for …