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V6 Feedback
PostIs auf unsrer "nervt" Liste Für die IPad App gibt es selbiges ja schon, da dort diese Meldungen per Notification ausgegeben werden können.
space in highscore
PostI think it´s caused by the low Playercount on that server, cause i checked the internal testserver and no space visible. Anyway, I will have the problem in mind, but i remember same problem during 3.0.0 test. LG
V6 Feedback
PostDas Ganze ist als Nachrichtenstream zu sehen und nicht als Nachrichten im eig. Sinne, daher gibts nicht überall die Löschfunktion, ist also Absicht. Du willst Sonstiges in Fleetmovement umbenennen? Warum? Fallen darunter dann nicht auch die Spionageberichte und Kampfberichte? Ich finde den Ausdruck zu allgemein zumal man sich im Gegensatz zu den von mir genannten wenn überhaupt nur einmal ansieht oder gar zur Kenntnis nimmt. Economy macht durchaus sinn, ist jedoch auch für spätere Updates von Re…
Bug on Expeditions
PostHi! Thx for your feedback. I will check the officers for that behavior.
Mission window visible
JoKy - - Suggestions
PostMission Window? Do you mean the eventlist, where you can see fleet missions? There is already an option available to show it permanently on top or bottom of your screen LG
Bug on Expeditions
Postcan you reproduce this bug? LG
Inbox Messages
PostCurrently you can keep messages for longer time by using the premium comander If you keep you informed by reading game news or the OGame Facebook page, you would recognise that ogame will get a new message system. First of all we will keep messages for again max. 1 week without comander then (no difference in future in the new message system). The fact that it´s currently like as it is, is simply told. In active universes there are about some gigs of data only from the message system. Active pla…
Chat link
PostShould be Fixed in Alpha9
Event handler
Post*Fixed* in Alpha9
Auction problem
PostI only count 18 Items, not 20 which will be the sum of your itemlist. Was it only yesterday with 3 gold or days before too? LG
Opened chats
Postyeah that problem is known it also depends on the browser you use. I reported it Thx so far LG
Friend list error
PostThere is currently a problem with buddy requests, that´s why the buggy overlay is shown. But i do not get any error as you have on your screenshot. Please DEACTIVATE Antigame Origin on the testserver. I don´t think that any addon still supports OGame 6.0. LG
Opened chats
Posthmm k Can´t reproduce this behavior. Does it only appear with 4 chats open? Something special to reproduce it? Are you currently chatting with one of those players? Special screen resolition? I tried with chrome browser (without any addon), also without adblock
OGame consists of several communities. is only one of it. The new behavior is now available and can be removed after version is released with an open beta or after feedback from live. Users should have a chance to take a look on their own. LG Finally