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Espionage Problems
PostHi! Please have a look at the list, which stuff is reported and on our list And for sure, your report is on it (missing stuff in spy reports) LG [ collecting thread ] Summary of reported/forwarded Stuff message system
Energy Management
PostQuote from kfg: “That's intended, the dens are gone, too. Das ist Absicht, die Verstecke sind ja auch weg. kfg” I suggested to place the resourcesettingsbutton from top at that fre space. There is not enough space left to display more
Loca issues
PostNaja es is nen Message Stream. Diese Nachrichten haben auch kürzere Löschzeiten und verschwinden dann eben von selbst. Daher isses bislang nicht vorgesehen, dass man alle Nachrichten löschen kann. LG
Loca issues
PostQuote from Bauws: “There us another Problem in Messages. U cant delete the Econmy Messages in ur Box Cant even swap pages.” That is intendend. LG
Postall messages on one tab is not planned LG
New chat sound
PostHi! Not planned so far. LG
Loca issues
PostQuote from Asto Vidatu: “@JoKy clearing cache and cookies helped enter now works” great Quote from Oxmer: “Any problem with the queue¿? I say that i cant put any resources It always fail, i try to upgrade solar and later put a crystal mine but the game doens´t work I´m sorry now i can put a deuterium mine in queue ;)” General: Please don´t post in existing threads, which have nothing to do with your problem. Will reduce the chaos I also have some issues, but it´s caused of that lag everyone has.…
Loca issues
PostQuote from Asto Vidatu: “when you type a solar system and press enter it wont need to press the button to open the solar system” Can you please write without that fancy font? Works for me in galaxy. Are you using some addon? Which browser? Quote from 1TS4U: “I have also a graphic bug. The Bar for the Chat is without any text or symbol, not sure if that have to be like that. when I click on it the Chat comes up like it have to. k9n48n5k.jpg” Same as the Missing text in the galaxy > Loca…
Loca issues
PostThx for that report. I moved your post to the correct area It´s a problem of missing loca. Still reported, it´s just the "go" button in galaxy LG
Reported and will be fixed with alpha 15 Also mentioned in > [ collecting thread ] Summary of reported/forwarded Stuff message system LG
Changelog 6.X.X
PostOGame 6.0.0-alpha14 - Errormessage - Changing search tabs - Display error: Intergalactic Research Network, too long - Setting for disable the pics in the new spy report - Moon Icon is missing in all messagetypes - Alliance application message not readable/visible in messagestream - Favourite of messages not functional - trade max ressources with merchant , too restrictive - Error - Messages without acc validation - Circular message impossible - Missing tooltips at messages - Message -- Favorites…