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messaging system
PostYou get access to the alliance message stream, those messages are not "new" in that way. Intendend so far LG
PostSame behavior as in version 5.8.5 For each attack against an (s) player you will get that outlaw status for 7 days. Therefore the time of that attack or spy action is important. LG
Generall Messages
PostI just waited for it Yeah it´s known LG
no return Recycler
PostEventhandler got stucked, should be fixed for now and will finally be fixed in alpha15 LG
messages (again)
PostKnown and on our list
PostThe EH had some probkems with some missions. Should be fixed now
PostDev made a hotfix. The problem will be finally resolved on alpga 15 LG
Tf Abbau
PostCrazy funny ppl! Gab nen Priblem mit abbau missionen und halten, müsste gehotfixt sein und wird dann on der alpha 15 behoben
About the den
PostQuote: “ - Why they are still visible in the Technology tab of the Tree Tech ? ” The techtree is in work Also Informations will be added to mines and to the storages there + description. Will take some time, because it also has to be translated Quote: “ - Are you going to update the description of the hangar (Maybe not in this version, but in final one) ? ” Hmm Why? Quote: “- Will you change the storage display or the resource setting display to show the quantity stored? Because the only way i f…
Queue of building
PostIt´s caused of that "lag"
Closen Tabs
PostQuestion: Are you the last one in those chats which wrote something or your opponent? Which browser do you use?