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Transport problem
PostKnown display error. The correct amount of deut was delivered anyway LG
The "collecting thread" is just an overview about reported stuff here and also stuff the tech team and me reported. To Link every point in that list is not possible, because most of that stuff was not reported here in the origin board. So you should find some minutes in reading, befor you post or report stuff. Anyway no one will poke you if report stuff, which is already on that list. Your second point should be communicated in your local board in some way. LG
Spionage Reports
PostHmm Kennst du den Spruch: Der Ton macht die Musik? Das Ganze hier ist ne Alpha Version Bevor diese Einstellung den Weg in OGame fand, konnte man im alten Nachrichtnsystem nur Betreffs sehen und diese auch noch ohne weitere Details. Diese Option wurde dann nachträglich eingebaut. Aktuell sieht man keine Betreffs mehr, dafür eben eine Kurze Übersicht. Diese Option von der du schreibst, funktioniert noch nicht. Ob sie bis zum Release oder erst danach wieder funktioniert ist noch nicht bekannt, jedo…
BUG Materia Oscura
Postwe spend again 10M DM on Bermuda (filled up) LG
Changelog 6.X.X
PostOGame 6.0.0-alpha16 - You get combat report if fleet is destroyed in first round - When The interplanetary missile hit planet, no message is received - Messagestream - deleted messages appear again - Combat Report and Spy Report not correct shown after planet or moon disappear (deleted or destroyed) - All messages deleteable now (except private messages) - Trash for them still missing - Broken Attack links in Spy reports and Combat Reports - OGame API in Combat reports included - Storage + Mines…
espionage bug
Posthappens when the target got deleted Fixed with alpha 16 LG
Bug on fleet
PostMy only wtf is your mass of userscripts. Please deactivate all on that testserver. LG
Hi! [ collecting thread ] Summary of reported/forwarded Stuff message system Quote: “ Buddyrequest via Player BBcode not functional ” LG
Chat options
PostFirst of all i want to present you the pinned thread with an reported stuff list: [ collecting thread ] Summary of reported/forwarded Stuff message system Your request about an additional sort function sounds nice. Maybe we can attach this to the commander LG
Highscore- Bug
PostHi! First of all, we do not fix things here. This is an report and feedback area. So be spare with words like "fix it!" I will forward the problem. LG
URLS in Chat
PostThat url or img isn´t working is intendend so far. Removed because of security reladed stuff. LG