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Well, such thing will probably require improving the Admin Tool alot, yet, I'd share your thought that in the end, the local communities will benefit from it.
It could be done this way also, though I'm not certain an experienced player will have much fun developing an account with less than 500.000 points right away in an old Uni: been there, done that. Took about 10 months or so, by simply Deploy-saving & leveling-up the mines to 28/23/24. It had 8 planets & Astro 13, that's the general reason I reconsidered initial suggestion to include more planets & 2 templates, as we already have mining boosters functioning in-game now.
Good morning, folks. I'd like to add a bit to the original conception: there could be even 2 absolutely free startup templates in which the new players of old Universes (tagged like that) choose their gaming style. If a person desires to become a raider, he's given a standardly generated Home + 8 colonies that are placed randomly across each & all of remaining galaxies. Then, the level of auto-created mines is derived from the buildings of top 1 in Fleet with 1.4 division. For those who chose to…
Until GF actually creates a mechanism which will allow the new players to stay competitive on elder realms, all of these (servers & cosmetic additions) are doomed. About a year ago, I've already proposed a solution to deal with it, the plot was kind of like: if the Uni is old, it gets a special mark, after which an advanced 'character creation' is introduced, including the ability to receive 9 planets & 3 moons at once in each of 9 galaxies of a standard old Universe with the mines determined by…
The title pretty much says it all: an essential patch for the admin tool introduced to keep the balance within regular Target Unis by preventing the flow of Special Exodus accounts (pushed, speeded up, etc).
Ok, then I'd like to see at least two well-known games which broadly utilized "partial ladders" for the worldwide stats. You see, such feature will not only impact on the local standings, but will also mess up the global stats, on both Infuza's and Gameforge's community portals (btw, the 2nd one needs the fleet points to be better represented).
For the moment, it's done only by adding an external .js script, yet, in my opinion the feature itself is so daily demanded that it deserves to be encoded into the engine of the game, needing no extra accessories to operate. The performance will not suffer from that, for sure.