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a similar proposal is discussed in forum :…ing-catch-up/#post9442019
Template used:…00-first-steps/#post23200 Capitolul 0: Primii paşi La început OGame poate să pară dificil, în special pentru cei care nu sunt obişnuiţi cu jocurile browser. Chiar dacă OGame nu este primul joc browser pe care îl joci, este normal să apară probleme şi întrebări la care un începător poate să nu cunoască răspunsul. De aceea dorim să ajutăm jucătorii pentru a face ca informaţiile despre OGame să fie inţelese uşor şi într-un mod plăcut. Nu am creat acest …
suggestion: we have frequent requests to move bought Dark mater from one account to another. I suggest we should add : Quote: “ The currency, which is used to activate premium features in OGame, is called Dark Matter (DM). This can be acquired in different ways on the page “Recruit Officers”. It's advised to compare the different options of paying, because the easy options such as sms are often not the cheapest. If you know you're going to be playing your account for a long time then you should …
Capitolul 18: Setările contului Există câteva opțiuni în joc care schimbă anumite aspecte și setări ale contului tău. Nu trebuie să schimbi nimic pentru a juca Ogame, însă unele te-ar putea interesa. Pentru mai informații detaliate despre cum să-ți administrezi contul și să păstrezi un nivel de siguranță ridicat, verifică ghidul despre administrarea contului. Datele utilizatorului Nume În timpul înregistrării ești nevoit să îți alegi un nume. Vei folosi acel nume pentru intrarea în joc, și în ti…
(Hidden Content) Dragi jucatori, Avem o veste foarte importanta! OGame Wiki este foarte apropape de a deveni operationala! Aproape toate tutorialele Wiki de baza au fost actualizate pentru a reflecta toate trasaturile introduse recent in OGame pe parcursul ultimelor actualizari: Guides Area - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics La link-ul de mai sus veti putea gasi toate discutiile si propunerile pentru fiecare tutorial, imbunatatirile, etc. Asteptam cu interes orice noua sugestie de imbunatatire sau c…
Quote from Kramagon: “Premium feature classic: the Commander ....... But there are several more features, which are activated automatically with the commander for 10.000 DM a week or 100.000 DM for three months. So you get Access to the Imperial View, which is a much better overview about resources, production, buildings and fleets on all your planets and moons as well as an adjusted messaging system, where ingame messages are sorted into different categories and will be saved for 7 days instead…
Quote from Kebab: “My universe isn't listed, will it not be merged? Only the universes listed in the news thread will be merged, this time around. However there will be future mergers for the other universes. For .org currently it's: Exodus unis: 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43 Target unis: 20, and a new empty universe” Exodus: Kassiopeia, Leo, Mizar, Nekkar Target: Uni 20, Draco
Quote from iguypouf: “I've searched those info on ogniter, and on the ogame homepage for each community, translated text from polish and turkish...” For .org, yes , we know the details but for the other comms, we'll have to use the same methods you described.
Each community has its own specific and merge characteristics. A comparation between merge from different communities will use to nothing. Best is to look on a specific community forum to see details . If you are a member of that com , you already know the universe details. Here in Origin, we provide only general information and general news related to other communities. The sense of the news you are referring was to inform all users that the merge process is ongoing and it will come to all soon…
Quote from JayneDoe: “Quote from tomas: “- you can only move to a similar position (.e.g. from position 1 just onto 1-3), - the range is 1-3, 4-12, 13-15.” So let me get this right, you can't relocate a planet from Galaxy 1 to 9?” You can relocate to any Galaxy, the time remains the same when moving to the next system or to the other side of the universe.
Fleet - Add Fuel
Postyes, that should be very good
[2.2.0] - Favourite targets
Valent - - Implemented
PostI like that . I wonder what is the number limit for favorite targets
I'm not against limited life universes but only as event universes, not as regular universes. Ogame has no ending goals, reaching the top 1 is followed by a fight to keep it. In my opinion, ogame is a continuous fight/ effort to show your skills and survival abilities, is an evolving community of friends and foes where end game is only when you had enough . But that won't stop you coming back, over and over again if given the possibility.
Quote from Valent: “It is not yet the time to think to such a merge. For the moment merges of two different communities are not possible.” It was done for other game, games severely affected by depopulation . Ogame is not in that category, at least not the Spanish and Portuguese communities. Spanish is one of the languages with the highest number of native speakers is a huge poll of players there.
Quote from Marlboroman: “Spy Probes You have two possibilities to spy on your enemies. Either you send your probes by using your fleet menu or you take the easy way by clicking on the spy icon button at the right in your galaxy view. Here you can set the number of probes which should be used every time you click at the symbol in your galaxy.” From here you can set the number of spy probes that are sent while you select spy option from the galaxy view To help you decide the necessary number of sp…