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  • Capitolul 03: Apărare

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    First post updated Ready for wiki

  • Capitolul 03: Apărare

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Capitolul 03: Apărare Aşa cum navele sunt indispensabile pentru atacuri, aşa sunt şi structurile defensive pentru a permite jucătorilor să-şi protejeze planetele de alţi jucători. Aceste structuri defensive sunt construite asemenea navelor şi odată finalizate vor riposta împotriva navelor atacatoare. În funcţie de numărul structurilor defensive construite, se pot apăra mai multe sau mai puţine resurse; o apărare solidă face atacurile neprofitabile pentru ceilalţi jucători. De asemenea, există în…

  • Capitolul 02: Clădiri

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    primul post updated Ready for wiki

  • Capitolul 02: Clădiri

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Capitolul 02: Clădiri Încă de la început, clădirile au reprezentat baza contului tău, deoarece acestea îți vor oferi infrastructura vitală pentru a creşte. Cele mai multe reprezintă cerinţe pentru viitoarele clădiri, cercetări, nave sau structuri defensive, fără de care nu va fi posibil să progresezi. Clădirile sunt clasificate în două grupuri: Resurse şi Facilităţi. Resursele sunt reprezentate de mine, depozite, ascunzători şi generatoarele de energie, restul sunt clasate ca facilităţi. Dar şi …

  • Instructiuni de traducere

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Fiecare traducere sau versiune se adauga ca reply la topicul respectiv. Toate traducerile trebuie sa fie cu diacritice si in ghiduri si tutoriale se foloseste persoana a 2-a singular . Fiecare versiune de traducere trebuie verificata si abia apoi se actualieaza primul post din fiecare topic. Orice utilizator poate comenta si contribui la aceste traduceri . Ele insa trebuie sa urmeze linia data de modelul in engleza. Daca aveti sugestii de continut, postati-le la ghidul respectiv in engleza.

  • Capitolul 01: Economia de bază

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Actualizat primul post Ready for wiki

  • Capitolul 01: Economia de bază

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    După ce te-ai uitat prin jur pentru un timp, şi pentru că acum ştii elementele de bază ale jocului, ești de acum în măsură să îți construiești contul. Cum multe elemente ale meniului nu sunt încă accesibile, vom începe cu construcţia clădirilor, mai precis cu construcţia minelor, care sunt responsabile cu producţia resurselor. ==Construcţia minelor== Te rugăm să treci la meniul respectiv, dând click pe butonul "Resurse". Odată ajuns acolo, click pe prima clădire din listă: Mina de Metal. Click p…

  • Capitolul 00: Primii paşi

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Primul post actualizat Ready for wiki

  • Capitolul 00: Primii paşi

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Tutorial 00: Primii paşi La început, OGame poate să pară dificil, în special pentru cei care nu sunt obişnuiţi cu jocurile browser. Chiar dacă OGame nu este primul joc browser pe care îl joci, este normal să apară probleme şi întrebări la care un începător poate să nu cunoască răspunsurile. De aceea dorim să ajutăm jucătorii pentru a face ca informaţiile despre OGame să fie înţelese uşor şi într-un mod plăcut. În spiritul cuvintelor lui Douglas Adams: "NU TE PANICA", totul va fi clar după citire…

  • There is no player, no matter if he is ranked #1 or #5000, who can sit 24 hours in front of his computer and watch out that nobody steals his resources or kills his fleet – everyone has got to go to work, school, or at least sleep for a few hours. During this time, the account would be open to possible attacks without any protection, and because of that fleetsaving has become one of the most important aspects of OGame. That means dispatching your own fleet with all resources from a planet or moo…

  • Quote from Icegirl: “This guide will aim to cover all the technical aspects a user might encounter during their time playing Ogame. =Account life= Once you create an account, you have to validate it by following the link you received at the e-mail address that you used to register the account. If account is not validated, you will not be able to access some of the menus. Account will be deleted: - in 2 days if nothing is built and no purchased Dark Matter - in 5 days if you don't have at least 1…

  • added in text the last observation : Every new level of this technology will increase by a 1% the metal, a 0.66% to the Crystal and a 0.33% to the deuterium production.

  • Problems with the OGame Version 6.2.2

    Valent - - Skynet


    There is a problem of compatibility with OGame Version 6.2.2 Please disable this addon until it gets a fix , or other option would be to set the Eventlist to display everytime.

  • Maybe here will be good to add the onboarding feature introduced in version 6 . I think it can be introduced immediately after ==Account life== ==The welcome package== After you make the account, in some universes where this feature is activated, during the first week of playing the game you will receive some rewards. The reward is sent out via in-game message, and is delivered when you login into your account. You have to manually accept the reward and is then added to your account. Those messa…

  • If more users will ask for this , we may consider making a new subforum. By now we think that Origin has way too many forums and subforums and we want to keep them a bit under control and don't open more sections unless is needed.

  • Your intuition is correct, war is a topic in diplomacy . You can use the diplomacy forum to declare war and make the War Combat only thread.

  • ==Compendium== - To use premium features, you first have to find, earn or buy Dark Matter - The Commander offers some additional functions to increase the game's practicality - Players who invest money in Officers, will get small advantages in game - With the Merchant you can trade resources without interacting with other players - Dark Matter can't be transferred from an account to another - Once activated, the premium functions can't be cancelled even if you have to enter in vacation mode or y…

  • this guide needs the last paragraph : The storages are another important item to which you have to pay attention, besides the energy supply. There are storages for each type of resource, which buffer the produced resources and that can also protect up to 10% of your basic daily production. The higher the level of the storage, the more resources can be stored. As soon as the storage capacity is nearly full, the according resource will be colored yellow in the resource bar; if it is full, it will …

  • It was suggested before to make planet delete more difficult but if i remember well the comments were like : Ogame is a strategy game where attention and detail planning are very important, i guess every mistake has its own price .

  • OGame 6.2 x

    Valent - - OGame


    Changelog OGame 6.2.0 ( live in all universes opened on June 23rd) [Feature] OGame Wreckfields for own destroyed ships [Feature] New Building - Space Dock [Feature] Different DF-Percentages for Ships and Defense [Feature] Eventhandler stop during daily crons at 3:00 and restart afterwars [Bugfix] modified DF-Creation so only destroyed defense goes to the DF [Bugfix] Increae of the max limit of the half time/finish function [Bugfix] http instead of https in xml API [Bugfix] No confirm box display…