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feedback page
PostOgame Wiki team worked with dedication and used in the best possible way the experience and the skills that its members have accumulate along the many years of playing this game. The guides, the tutorials and the FAQ are the glittering result of their work and the scope of this wiki is to help you understand the game and its features in order to have a better gaming experience. OgameWiki Team is waiting for your feedback, your comments and suggestions. Your opinions and comments are very preciou…
It is easy to make abuse of high priority highlight, that is i wanted to make it available only for people that know each other. If one is sending high priority messages only " because he can" to random players, its significance will be lost and effectiveness reduced to 0 . I also wanted to make it highlighted as important without even having the message menu opened .
Many times i see my buddies or alliance members online , i send them urgent messages but for some reason they don't read them/ they don't answer. Would be nice that a player to be able to send a high priority message to his buddy list friends or alliance mates . Such priority messages should be specially flagged and maybe the envelope icon to turn red/ yellow, signaling there is a high priority message waiting for a fast response.
Proposal for the introduction : As it's written on the welcome page, OGame is a game that everybody can play for free. You won't find any subscription fees. The game designers provided some premium articles to shorten the time or to enhance certain features but they are not giving an outstanding advantage for players using these premium features that can be acquired in exchange of a few euros for a working time between a week and 3 months. We are often asked, which of the additional functions re…
Maybe here is the place to add the possibility to abandon home planet ( implemented since version 5.3 ) : "When you make your first colony and you are lucky to find a large planet, you can consider abandoning the homeworld and thus the first found colony becomes the new home planet. A homeworld with more building slots can be precious for miners later in the game. "
Game Details
PostI suggest you add at activity star the behavior on clicks in menu, finishing buildings, finishing a shipyard order or research .
crystal runner is the best, my son's friends are mad about it. From my side I prefer ogame .
.RO doneQuote from Francolino: “Hello, Please translate this main description Quote: “AntiGameOrigin - o alta experienta OGame pentru toate comunitatile. - Imbunatateste OGame cu multe trasaturi utile pentru jucatorii experimentati. - O multime de alte trasaturi pentru un joc comod. - Salvare permanenta a optiunilor si datelor in browser cu posibilitatea de backup si sincronizarea lor cu alte browsere sau conturi de joc. - Implicare in " Respecta jocul cinstit " si inceteaza sa functioneze daca …
Yes, that is a big problem , to ensure a fair start to the competition for all, it will be hard to find enough players of approximate same rank in a single community . Not to mention that will be necessary to open multiple contest universes for all rank categories. I had this idea almost an year ago and kept it unpublished for this very reason. No pushing will happen, at least this will not influence the real account since we are talking about avatar accounts . About letting free crush of an acc…
Starting from an idea proposed here : Paying DM to swap Unis 1.Playing in an old universe , having huge mines or huge fleet, being bored of the same old dwelling numbers of active players can be really boring and comes sometimes the wish to make a change . 2.Competition is the hot engine of a game. I think that would be interesting to make a competition universe , where players from an entire community ( or from all communities ) to be able to copy their accounts ( not move or merge) and play th…
I like the idea but with a few observations/questions: - the account to be moved must not be superior in points /fleet to the top100 average in destination universe. - how often, how frequent the move can be done? - can the the player return to his old universe if he finds out it wasn't a good decision? main advantages i can see: - sometime player gets bored of old enemies /friends in old uni, by moving to a similar strength universe he might enjoy a change, a jump to unknown - Nobody really wan…
Chapter 19: Rules and Support Rules Every game has its own rules and when starting to play a game it is advisable to read its rules. You can find the OGame rules in your login page, in your game ( in the lower part of your screen) and on your community forum <insert link here>. In OGame there's a global set of rules which are common for every community, however each community has it's own set of Clarifications that are posted on the forum. Support Along the gameplay, it is possible that you have…
one man army
Valent - - Archive - Spam
Postdo you have so many accounts ?
I agree that account deletes should be more difficult to make , not sure about the admin powers to be invested. An account deletes effectively only after 7 days and the player has the delete sign in overview. I prefer a way to prevent accounts deletes instead of recovering them after the harm is done. if the account is in v-mode maybe would be interesting to add a new symbol in galaxy view or in alliance member list showing that the respective account is set to delete. In this way the alliance m…
original thread : Update 5.2 Dragi Jucatori, Pe universul de test : Origin a fost instalata versiunea 5.2. Versiunea 5.2 aduce mai multe imbunatatiri: [Feature Request] Info tooltip pentru luna in lista planetelor moontooltip.png [Feature Request] Settings: Deschiderea de panouri ca ferestre externe (raport de lupta detaliat, note) overlaycombatreport.PNG [Feature Request] Galaxie: Afisare iconita de flota la misiunile de colonizare colonization.PNG [Feature Request] editor BB Code alliance.png …
Săptămâna a 7-a Între anii 7 si 8 am fost ocupaţi cu realizarea redesign-ului pentru Ogame. Am folosit această oportunitate ca să ne pregătim pentru viitorul jocului- şi pentru încă mulţi alţi ani de distracţie fără limite! w7plasmaENKlein.png Cu toate acestea, vom folosi o caracteristică deja existentă în OGame pentru a mări producția de resurse de metal și cristal. Aveți deja sansa de a primi energie mai multă sau mai mult deuteriu prin alegerea unei anumite poziții în cadrul sistemului solar …