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This is by no means constructive criticism I hope that more people would write answers and ideas here, because then it would be more dynamic; right now trying to explain an idea here makes longer posts which might bore the reader. The main purpose of this discussion should be if this universe would actually be playable, its viability; I say this because “this game must provide a variety of gaming shapes” is not how OGame works: OGame provides this, but different configurations of the universe ma…
Quote from Imperor: “It's impossible to be created, because nobody would do fleet if there is a difference like that. In my opinion it would be a farmville 2.0 xD ------------” Why would you say that? It's a x1, so you got much more time than in speed universes, but from that to say that nobody would fleet? I mean, OGame has been x1 for a long time and for sure people learnt and needed to fleetsave. Quote from Imperor: “91 fields, if you need at least level 20 of solar Plant we would occupy 111,…
Please: don't take this as an absurd proposition, at least take it seriously and think about it (and post here your opinion, arguing it). I started playing many years ago, so this proposition is not an idea from someone who has been here for just a few months. Disclaimer: all numbers are not thought thoroughly, so think about the idea, and the optimization of numbers will be a different matter that will come later. It started as a mid-joke, but the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced i…
If GameForge provided in a clean way with all the equations used in the game that would be great (except may be battle or other algorithms and such, in which case we need simulators, that may be good to “hide”). I remember in 2008 or so that there was a thread (at least in Spanish boards) with a lot of them. I can't understand why are they not officially providing those equations in a place like this, Origin, the last years have been some sort of obscureness.
Well, nice to see that at least temporarily the wreck fields do not touch the demolishing system. Let's see how it works and how the game evolves with this. In any case “Please note that we reverted the changes for demolishing buildings. For the time being demolishing will stay unchanged. We are aware that some people use demolishing for resource saving. We do not feel that this is how resource saving should work, and will change this in the future by offering an alternative.” I don't want to al…
End of piloris
PostNow imagine if we had to care the same way for anyone involved in Panama Papers. Of course they have been evading taxes but hey, we should try not to harm them, let's not make it public. The truth is that someone cheating on a server affects the whole server, apart from the fact that nowadays the bans are almost a joke at least they get the shame and disrespect from the rest of the universe (sometimes they are better than in the past, but definitely we haven't got to a place where they are corre…
Okey, I'm not sure I explained correctly: 1. May be you understood me, but just to clarify (in case I did not explain well) I meant that this 7eCfE1W.png is the current method of marking a planet; the thing is that the usual process is spying, seeing an espionage report, deciding to mark a coordinate, having to go back to galaxy and mark that planet. What I would like to remove is the burden of having to go back to galaxy to mark the planet, when it definitely can be done within the espionage re…
Small proposals: 1. Add a tooltip to mark coordinates from the espionage report. If you want to add a color / label to a coordinate after reading the spionage report it's terrible to manually go to galaxy and then mark the planet there. There was another script (Marqueur Galaxie) that let you choose a label from the espionage report. It would be nice. 2. Could we have a certain label like “Don't Spy” that would remove the spy button? That would leave no doubt of which coordinates you don't want …
In version 5 we had little buttons, now we got even worst just a small “>” character or “>>” characters to go to the end. It would be great if they are made more friendly and clickable. Apart from that, it would be great a solution to go to whatever page you want, if you have 55 pages, to go to page 24 you have to pass through 24 pages (which is currently too slow, but even if it was fast): it would be good to have an alternative way to say which page you want to go (like here in forums we can …
Theoretical profits
Minion - - Suggestions
PostOh, sorry. I mean the theoretical profits: Loot + 100% debris recollected by attackers (or defenders in case of Stamping). The thing about real profit, although it's nice to calculate it, is that it doesn't show how profitable was the battle “theoretically”. If the debris get stolen, then the profit is much lower, but the truth is that it was a nice hit (altough with a robbery in between). You can look at the forums and see that many people mark the “all debris recollected by …” just to show the…
Theoretical profits
Minion - - Suggestions
PostOne thing missing from this is the information about theoretical profit, which is what is usually used to compare hits. It would be nice to have the “theoretical profit for attacker” (or defender, in case of stamping) and then the nice “Real profit” that we have now.
I get the Indestructible ranking always as red (for instance, if I'm rank 10 and the indestructible points place me rank 11, I always see that 11 red and when I hover it I see “-11”). I used to solve this by resetting the day from which points start to count with the most bottom button (green arrow, “Click to restart your progress count”). But it doesn't work now. What can I do? I use Firefox, Greasemonkey.
I think the tooltip that tells you that you have new messages is a little bit misleading. Right now, it tells you the number of total unread messages in chat. That is, it says "10" if you have two conversations with 5 messages unread in each one. I think it would be better that the info actually meant the number of unread conversations. That is, if you have two conversations with 5 unread messages in each one, the number that appears should be "2", and once you read one conversation it would mov…
Here again, to give this visibility. I don't think anyone would be against this. It's plain simple, not more than two or three lines of code (plus a new orange image). Of course the “old way” that still exists in alliance is much better (please don't touch that) but this one of buddy list could be easily improved.
First of all I see this discussion like if we were from opposite teams and we had to fight for different things. It's not my intention, and if with my post I helped to radicalize your position (and ours), I'm sorry, I didn't intend to. And we all have been here for a long time, so that's no problem. The thing is that you, or whoever is implementing this, are implementing a completely new idea (with the objective of ensuring that more players play the game). To do that you decide to change some b…
JoKy, I don't see the point of saying “every change someone cries”: the “cry” of kfg is far more adult that those random cries that we see in forums with every change. I mean, really. Again, in this argument, I don't see the point of criticizing that way. It's not “abusing” the system, it's just something that works that way, never seen problems with it, and some people include it in its strategy. Now the random thing is saying that you have to remove it just because it's the only way wreck fiel…