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  • Not sure I understand what you mean, Francolino. If you mean you have done you work and comments on this topic, I agree A fantastic idea! But if you mean you have told enough people about it - then - no... hehehe It's never enough as ong as there's players - in the new test server - that doesn't know about this - and hates the new fleeing fleet. A year ago, when I put this up on my home board - everbody loved the idea - except for one - that doesn't like ANY improvments... He hates the acs, the …

  • Now, this suggestion was made over a year ago - by Francolino, but I think that now, that the new noob system has been introduced - and I haven't so fare talked to anybody who likes it - it might be time to put this idea out into the light again. So fare everybody I've talked to, just loves this idea - simply because it DOES protect the noobs from complete crash - but it doesn't take away any profit from an attack. If the fleeing fleet was replaced with this suggestion, the new Ogame might be fu…

  • Quote from razuls: “1. Tactical retreat is supposed to solve problem of people leaving game because they lost whole fleet before they'd learned how to save their fleet. So IMHO it would be better if there were percentage of fleet which manages to flee (possibly with some tweaks depending on honour, strength, some randomization maybe). And this percentage could be limited from bottom and top. From bottom --- to save some fleet even after series of attacks. From top --- to force players to start l…

  • Just have to qoute myself, from another tread i posted in today... Quote: “ Unfortunatly this new flee system makes the new Ogame to a Miners Paradis. Later in game, when miners and turtles are barried behind their huge defence, there's nothing you can do. They can have their 10.000 s of large cargos safe behind their huge defences, without ever fleetsaving. The only thing you can do is to make enough fleet, to go throug the defence, and grap a few ress.... And that's not really what Ogame is ab…

  • Even though this tread was made over a year ago, I think it might be a good idea to take it back into the discusion again. I have played the new system, both as a team member and now as a normal player. I have talked to a lot of people, both those that have started to play and those that doesn't want to try it, because of the new thing "flee fleet" So fare noone have said that they like the new game. Very few understand it, and get pissed several times a day. So it might be a good idea to take F…

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    How would a marked place increase the speed? And I guess we already have a maked place. When you have an acc with millions of points, the cost ( and the abilliy to help new acc) increases alot when you have to upgrade your mines/researsh etc.

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Well, to add a couple of extra ??, is just the way I write, I know it doesn't help. It's just like some people uses more that one smiley. Quote: “I just said that I don't see this idea working for other missions than transport to your own planets. ” Yes, I saw you wrote that, but why would you not include transport to other players?

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Now I'm very - VERY confused,,,, You said earlier, that you liked the idea of higher speed on cargos......? Right?? Quote: “ i'm definetly PRO this feature! ” Yeah, higher speed MIGHT make an attack on cagos hard(er) to catch.... Then... What do you mean by this??? Quote: “ Btw I can't imagine that you may attack other players with double speed which would be very very unfair. ” you can't attack with cargos in doubble speed - nor 110%..... It's only for transport.... ?????

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Why do you want it to be only to your own planets? You still have the transport to new acc and when you're trading with other players. As I mentioned 4 post above, the cost can end up to be very expencive, so it's still a choise to send with higher speed.

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    interesting idea But do you then mean that it will increase the speed with 100% of base speed for all types of action? cobat, transport, deploy.... ? That will change al lot for example in a combat situation, too, then.. and fs... If you have researched the "new speed", then you kinda don't have a choise to "go fast or not". Or have I miss understood, what you mean? As a fleeter and the attacker, I would certanly like to go as fast as possible, but I don't like it, when I'm the hunted one hehehe…

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Hehehe There you see Even pros makes mistakes Often because we spend wwwaaayyyyy too much time on Ogame, and don't get enough sleep hehehe- So what happened to you, is a perfect example on WHY it's a good idea I totally agree with you that pros and cons have to discused, but up til now nobody has said anything about cons, only that it's a bad idea, I don't have any skills, i can't think and if I don't understand why it's a bad idea, they can't do anything for me. That is not a discussin of pros …

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    If I have a moon, it's not a problem with storage. It's on planets without a moon. My second #1 acc doesn't have moons on all planets -- yet. But no matter what - I still have to wait a long time to get the ress, I miss calculated... whether I have to wait for productiom or slow cargos. Quote: “ The big difficulty on this idea is that pros dont need this feature ” ???? - Didn't know there were people that got payed to play Ogame.... And I guess - if so - they are very few. okay, okay I know what…

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Thanx for the insult --- again.... I thought we had gone back to a friendly conversation, but... I was wrong. I was not fighting - at all. But you obviously did. Well,I'm sorry I don't have a brain so I can think, .... so sorry... But no - I still don't understand why Noobs ......etc, etc... Since you don't want to --- or can't - explain it for me, maby somebody else would be so kind to do so. Since you didn't understand - or bother to read the post probably - I have tried to explain for you, wh…

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    As I have mentioned earlier, I still would like to have faster speed on my cargos because: You press 5 instead of 8 on the calculater and ends up with 300k short - have full storage, so no production, and not enough cargos (even though I always have enough cargos to fs for at least 2 days production - on all my planets/moons) to send out some of the ress for the production to make the missing 300k - Then it would be great to spend less time on waiting for the planed mine/building or research to …

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    You are very funny, you know. Have you read the post?? It doesn't look like that..... Since I obviously don't have any skills since I would like some speed on my cargos - ( no skills after been #1 in two different acc and been playing for 4+ years??? ) - why do you still come up with the same xxx suggestion about skills and better planing? I think I stated it clear - very clear, why I wanted the speed - which has nothing to do with skills and/or planning.... Please come up with some good explana…

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Kinda a good idea, but there you get another godies..... Fast attack - really fast - on people without defence... I guess that was the reason why they changed that.

  • Double speed on cargos

    restlesz - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I can see that some still just don't get it.... Quote: “The problem is still the one lrfrdb mentioned: There is no idea behind it. What are faster transports good for? If you need deuterium fast at an moon where you want to add from, this is a problem of your wrong logistic and not a weakness of a game. Faster transports cut down the factor of intelligent planning and good logistics (which are in fact part of the gamers skill) so it is still some kind of "noobiing" the game because this has noth…

  • chat

    restlesz - - Suggestions


    I guess, you mean in game. A chat for the friendslist, No I don't think so... Those "you" have on your friends list, might not me on "my" friends list. So a chat there would be confusing, since you might not understand what was said, because it was a conversation between you and one of your frirnds, that's not on my list. BUT,,, The ally chat... Yeah it could be a nice idea. On the other hand - we have IRC, Msn and a lot of other ways of having the opportunity to chat..

  • Quote from bontchev: “ut I like restlesz's idea. Unfortunately, as kwinse said, it would require serious re-design of the internals of the game, in order to remove the upper limit of 5 defending players. In addition, the planets of the redesign are already smaller than the ones of the old design. It's bad enough that we have to fill them with Storages (the capacity of which has become smaller, too) - it will be even worse if we also have to use 4-5 fields for a good enough Alliance Depot.” I cou…

  • I'm not sure why miners should be able to raise their production more than fleeters? I understand that miners will have more planets that produces resourses, but so will the fleeters. And the fleeters will have more planets to spread out the univers - so they reach a few more miners/other fleeters. I do attack a miner (turtles are almost impossible to take - and remember that I did say ALMOST) now and then, but what I like the most is to chatch a big fleet What is your suggestion to make the sta…