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  • to do: [19:32:42] <@danimanza> ==What is the best way to save on a planet?== [19:32:50] <@danimanza> that title should be changed [19:33:11] <@Icegirl> from planet [19:33:16] <@danimanza> because it is explained =====Planet – Debris Field:===== and =====Planet – Attack:===== [19:33:25] <@danimanza> which are not really "best ways" to save on a planet [19:33:53] <@Icegirl> hmm [19:34:05] <@Icegirl> maybe 'How to save from a planet' [19:34:10] <@danimanza> Yes

  • Team meetings

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Guides team meeting: 7:30pm (german time) Topic: Going on with the 6 - 10 tutorials for the OGame Wiki Related links: Timeline How to work WIKI To-Do List (ongoing work + further work + searching for help) proposed workflow for the wiki

  • ej lakše malo.. ovo nije još ready za prijevod... samo do 5. ako već imaš viška vremena postaj tamo u 01 što ja nisam dovršila. ovaj 7. ako bude promjena trebat će bit updejtan

  • Tutorial 05: Ships - Brodovi

    Icegirl - - HR BA - Balkan


    Edited and checked by Icegirl. Thank you for your work Goran. Ready for wiki.

  • Tutorial 03: Defense - Obrana

    Icegirl - - HR BA - Balkan


    Edited and checked by Icegirl. Thank you haka for all your work.

  • avatar-282.gif HR Tutorial 00: Prvi koraci Tutorial 02: Zgrade Tutorial 03: Obrana Tutorial 05: Brodovi

  • Tutorial 02: Buildings - Zgrade

    Icegirl - - HR BA - Balkan


    Icegirl edited mistakes and checked.. Ready for wiki Thank you for all your work Goran

  • Hey guys, in purpose to be organized (not to do doublework) please check this thread. When you want to translate anything which is still 'free/blank' in chart, please leave comment so we can mark it as 'being in progress'. I added links (on exactly post) for all tutorials that are ready to be translated (or already are now) Also I added original tutorial progress. When its marked 'Spremno za prijevod' means its done and you can translate it. Thank you everyone for help. We really appreciate it. …

  • done

  • Vacation Mode Indicator

    Icegirl - - Archive - OGame Planet


    nice idea!

  • Vacation Mode Indicator

    Icegirl - - Archive - Suggestions


    nice idea!

  • did few edits (letters/spaces/characters)

  • ops.. which one is right one here?

  • to do: include edits + small cargo: [20:03:22] <@danimanza|meetingtime> Because of its versatility, it is one of the best useful ship of the game. [20:03:41] <@Icegirl> best useful -> most useful Edit: done

  • To do: [19:55:13] <Jesica> like "having more computer level means more slots" [19:55:19] <Jesica> would be nice [19:55:36] <@Icegirl> Computer Technology [19:55:36] <@Icegirl> For each new level of the Computer Technology, you can dispatch one more fleet at the same time. Furthermore, not till level 10 you will be able to build a Nanite Factory. [19:55:38] <@Icegirl> its said [19:55:48] <Jesica> yes, [19:55:55] <Jesica> I'm thinking what I was meaning [19:55:58] <Jesica> is ... [19:56:03] <Jesic…

  • to do: add changes to final post Edit: done

  • To do: [19:40:19] <@danimanza> maybe separate planet building from moon buildings edit: done

  • great idea.. too coasty + spending fields = not good motivation to use it

  • Timeline for kingdom of guides

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    Group organization is following: Guides - How to write/edit/act table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #FF8950; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } DateTimeWork To-Do 20.1.2014.7pm (+1)Tutorials: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 27.1.2014.7:30pm (+1)Tutorials: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 3.2.2014. - delayed7:30pm (+1)Tutorials: 08, 09…

  • Timeline for kingdom of guides

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    This is overview of Tutorials. <br \> <br \> table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #3AD519; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } ListNameProgressWiki 0First steps updated 23.8.2014 1Basic economy updated 23.8.2014 2Buildings updated 23.8.2014 3Defense updated 23.8.2014 4Research updated 23.8.2014 5Ships updated 23.8…