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One thing i'd like simplified is the fleet menu , maybe have all the settings organised in a logic way in the same page Second is the resource settings page. I see no utility for it , I propose to be condensed in the main resource page. Many players are not aware of the tiny link in the central picture and fail to restart production after vacation mode Another is to reduce the number of tooltips , especially the ones that are simply repeating the name of the button- maybe an option to enable or …
First I want to stress that the features introduced by version 3 and 4 are extremely necessary to ensure the game survival and to give players the best possible game experience and bring the game up to date, to the level of other games on the market. Now that we have so many powerful and interesting new feature ( here is not the place to discuss about them), I think is time to think how to make game more easy to play, how can we simplify it . What I'm more interested is to discover things we can…
First I want to stress that the features introduced by version 3 and 4 are extremely necessary to ensure the game survival and to give players the best possible game experience and bring the game up to date, to the level of other games on the market. Now that we have so many powerful and interesting new feature ( here is not the place to discuss about them), I think is time to think how to make game more easy to play, how can we simplify it . What I'm more interested is to discover things we can…
The test server was launched with the warning that can be reset at any time if the testing needs are calling for it. In the same time we acknowledge your complaints. Problem is that for the moment only one test server is allowed. One fresh server can become old but an old one can't become fresh without a reset and a fresh server is needed now. Just to let you know that cares for your wishes and we want to ensure for you all the most pleasant gaming environment possible. Please continu…
Dear Players, In the near future Server Origin will receive version 4.0.0 . For this, probably at the end of next week, we will reset our public test server 'Origin' on . Reset means that all exisiting account will be downgraded just on their empty home planet, so the account still exists and it is possible to login but all ships / defense / res / research / building / colonies / moons / ... are gone. Just exisiting Dark Matter and active Officers / Commander will stay …
Ogame 3.0.0 - Informatii
Valent - - RO - Romanian
PostOgame 3.0.- Informatii Versinea 3.0.0 introduce elemente noi . Acest topic esre rolul sa va explice cele mai imortatnte elemente ni , lista de bug-uri , raspunsuri la anumite intrebari precum si posibile modificari . Cea mai mare parte din acest ghid are la origina ghidul realizat de WeTeHa Nou mod de statistica a jucatorilor • Puncte de economie Punctele de economie iau in considerare resursele utilizate pentru constructii si aparare. Navele civile , sensorii Phalanx si portile de salt contribu…
Yes, most players are tempted by such facility ( they see it from the attacker perspective). But the defender is most likely to quit the game after such an attack : fleet lost resources entirely captured, a high price for negligence or bad timing. The main issue with increasing the loot percentage for honorable fights is that it makes really hard for the defender who can be a honorable player or not.
We are all waiting for the news about merge . it was promised a long time ago. What we know today : all the tests and the first real merge happened. That is a good news by itself. I see no harm in asking for news every day. That will give a sign to those responsible for the great lack of patience all communities are experiencing; on the other hand, comments like the ones above are really not helping: Quote: “ And that was 2 months ago.. Seriously guys.. Someday you will have to explain why the h…
Quote from Ubuntu: “but ... why not have shields with levels?? as the rest of the research?? example ... small shield - level 10 .... high shield - level 10” what he says : the small shield /large shield dome properties can be enhanced after raising the level like in missile silo : you can build only one item but you can enhance its level . personally i think we have all the desired complement of defenses, unless we decide to add a new fighting ship
I have no idea what means than in the long term. I can imagine that once a player obtains a a title he must keep it for 7 days at least to be able to get 1RP = reward point ( to make distinction from the honor points ) star lord gets 1RP for every 7 days in row he has the title emperor gets 1.5 RP for every 7 days he keeps the title grand emperor gets 2 RP for every 7 days he keeps the title Once a RP is gained , it should remain available if is not used by the time player lost his title. the RP…
We need to encourage players to make more honorable fights . There should be no advantage for being a bandit. Increasing the % in debris field for honorable fights is an option but as I already said , the DF can be taken by third parties, it belongs to the one that gets there first. For titles like Star lord.... Grand emperor we can give a H point (like the buddy points ) for each day this title is maintained and if these points are collected in a reasonable number can be transformed in DM or to…
Yes good idea but i think this can trigger more attacks on honorable fighters as is not a rule that the emperor to take the debris . What if we create a reward similar to buddy points? In this way the reward will be active on request but only as long as the player has the title. one of best rewards i can think is a shipyard enhancer : raise the speed of building ships in order to set a difference between titles : introduce the number of honor points as a coefficient in shields /weapons and armor…
I have this proposal form some players to which I added some of my own contribution. In late game, when the universe is highly depopulated, active players are confronted with lack of activity and no available targets. I propose a new system of "expeditions " Create random planets with a development level related to the age of the universe/ rank of first player. Alien planet should inherit the inactive properties( no honor points) but mines producing , moderate to no defense, moderate si…
PostI read through the postings and I'm a bit disappointed . Many of you are giving valuable feedback for the expedition optimisation. I totally agree that expeditions need to be more profitable to worth doing them. They are an important part of gameplay. I have such bad experience with expeditions that i almost renounced doing them. What bothers me is the tone of the postings. This is a test server,where settings are fine tuned to fit the player's expectations and increase the playing experience, t…
major bump . Can we think to a way to improve storage capacity ? Raiding inactives is a major source of income for weaker players. If a player decides to join an already established universe he can gain a wealth of resources only by farming nearby inactives. But with the RD storage capacity these inactives ( mostly start-up accounts) are useless . The reverse situation comes form allowing noob players to accumulate larger quantities of resources on the planets . This can be adressed by introduci…
proposing some changes .Please some style and grammar checks Quote from tomas: “Expeditions are a flight into the unknown, towards previously unexplored areas of the universe. On expeditions you can find resources or ships, encounter alien races, fight ruthless pirates, discover the absolute void of space but you can also fly into a certain dead. The outcome of an expedition is ruled by chance , no way to know for sure if your expedition will ever come back or to count the wealth it may bring ba…