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  • Debris from a moon try

    Fexghadi - - General


    Both players lose 70% of the ships' resources, so there's no pushing involved even if both players recycle the debris field on their front door, even if the better ranked player recycles a little more (which more be due to him losing a couple extra satellites anyway, so it's not like there's any pushing from that detail either). Might want to get confirmation from a higher authority, but that's how I see it.

  • 0.77 Notes

    Fexghadi - - General


    If you just click on the fusion plant, you'll see what it gives (basically, 5 energy for each deut/hour consumed). Doesn't seem like the energy technology applies a bonus to it in that version. 0bf887762a.png For IPMs, according to wiki: Note: Before Ogame version 0.78c the range was determined by the formula: abc7877488ff3e19bf92cf097cf09af0.png

  • Trade rules clarification

    Fexghadi - - Archive


    If he can't find buyers for his metal at a 2/1 ratio, I don't think making it more expensive will help. To be fair though, I don't think it's a pricing issue. So much vital stuff costs crystal early on, regardless on gamestyle, that finding people with excess crystal will be difficult. Lab, Espionage, Impulse, Energy, Computer, probes, and the first colony ship, you name it. One can never have too much crystal

  • 1st colony

    Fexghadi - - General


    200+ fields are really overkill on a x1 universe, unless you're extra clingy about not making an extra terraformer level that would cost peanuts compared to the three or four buildings you're going to add on the additional fields. I got a lousy 164 fields in position 9 and I don't see why I wouldn't keep it. If it was my last colony and I had a more developed economy, then I would consider retrying, but for a first one, it's more than sufficient. Also, better deuterium production on colder plane…

  • Planet Size charts

    Fexghadi - - General


    It has the merit of matching the data in the previous link from revex, so I suppose it's safe to believe this data. Also, German OGame wiki. Enough said

  • Planet Size charts

    Fexghadi - - General


    I had found a picture for position 15 that had around 194 as maximum range, but without the fusion plant being affected by the energy technology level, I'm doubtful that it would be a good plan on the long run. 1~8 energy on a solar satellite isn't going to cut it, so I was thinking about settling for positions 12-13. I'll also assume the link you gave me has a typo about the fields for planets in positions 10-12 and that the max is roughly 225, not 125.

  • Planet Size charts

    Fexghadi - - General


    Hey everyone, is there a chart with old min and max planet sizes somewhere?

  • Probe attacks

    Fexghadi - - General


    Well, 6 attacks make for a total plunder of 98.4375% of the resources. Even if you have to launch a regular attack first to get rid of some fleet/satellites, I'm sure you'll be happy with 96.875%. And you probably won't need to come back for the net 24 hours after that

  • It takes 7 days for a player to be tagged inactive. The server has only been released 4½ days ago, so that's definitely a misjudgement on your end. When I registered, some players in my solar system were tagged as inactive, but lost their tag most likely after their first login. I still don't know how a beginner would have time to build up a defense, but if anything, you jumped the gun too quickly. There's no legit inactive player yet.