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  • Quote from O-Game DE: “Good Story. Very nice moon. But one thing i have to say: If the Attacker did really nothing wrong, why did he lost the battle then? This loss of his ships could be easy avoided if he had checked the fleet stats of his target. To underrate a player, is the biggest fail a player can do! That makes him look like a newbie. His arrogance made him lost his ships. Not his balls! the defender made everything right. Especially the interception! And if the attacker would have done t…

  • I am new, this is my first post… and I am here to introduce myself with this new battle. I am an old player, my last remarkable battles date from around 2006/2007 when I was top 1 in… so it’s been a while I only like posting battles that are somehow exceptional or different and this one certainly is. Not only for being the new top 1 in total losses or because it ended in a moon creation with 20% chance, but because of the players involved and the story behind it. I want this post also t…