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  • Sorry. Apart from the fact that you can see that with a few extensions, or in OGniter, or pages like that... You can actually calculate: Defense points = Economy points + Research points + Military points – Total points.

  • You already have that data in the rankings, you can calculate how much of the military points are defenses and how much are points of ships. Is that what you wanted?

  • @ErikFyr The idea is not towards ensuring privacy or that the data could be shared, it's about more justice, since the results wouldn't be altered by the name of the player. If someone has been playing for ten years in this game, there are a few names on the community about who there are a formed opinion (positive and negative). Yes, you are right, I don't really know about anything at all about the “online game scene”, so yes, it would look weird if it was just implemented in this game. And yes…

  • To update for the new version: now empire view doesn't update any data about the resources or fleet in the account. Apart from that empire view looks weird, I don't know what changed, but something changed. I looks more spaced up may be?

  • Thanks TGWo for your answer, I like (and understand that more). In any case, I did not mention the idea of bots that ban automatically at all. My intention is that humans operate but the only thing is that the account players names are hidden to them (of course, every other info would be available). What would be the problem between just substituting the name of the player with its unique number? Imagine I wanted to report a moonshot between you (unique number 283, here in forum) and me (unique …

  • Okey, don't worry, I don't think there's anything to discuss, if someone reads this they might have this in mind and influence just a bit of the decisions in the future. But to any of the answers I really don't see the point. One thing is that this is not very practical and won't be implemented at all and thats okay, but actually saying this is impossible as an argument to prove something (I don't know what), I really don't understand. I believe this is the same people said before smartphones ca…

  • Well, as I said, this was not a particular request, but a direction request. Of your "counterarguments", almost if not everything can be done by an automated system: compare numbers is one of the things computers do pretty good, which means comparing ranking and points between two accounts, comparing alliances (which are given an unique number); also, computer can compare strings, so verifying if the ticket is send by the appropriate person is also easy to automate; also planets could be hidden …

  • This is just a general suggestion of direction that would be cool to see: anonymity of users at the eyes of game operators. By that I mean that the GameOperators could not know who sent the ticket, and what accounts are involved (that hiding process would be made by the system). That way the justice would probably be a bit more transparent. This is similar to hiding name, sex, race, etc. in a list of résumés to aim for more objectivity and less prejudice. (Note I've never been involved in the ad…

  • Wreckfield in the profit summary

    Minion - - Suggestions


    Sorry to use your thread, but something that has also been in my mind. I think it could be also welcome if the theoretical profits where shown regardless of the real profits of the battle (which should be shown too). I think it's relevant for a battle to show what was the profit the attackers (or defenders on a ninja) aimed to, to contrast with the real end result.

  • Wreckfield in the profit summary

    Minion - - Suggestions


    In that sense, (may be an estimation of) the defenses that are rebuild could also be given.

  • international fusions

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    Personally I don't think that language is a problem (of course, with the good intentions of the community), everyone can write their own language when they talk to their friends, and in case of contact with another user, a translation wouldn't hurt (otherwise it won't probably be understood). Now I know of some people that don't like OGame interface in another language, so that might be indeed a barrier, but may be a script to translate or (even better) a configuration choice to change the inter…

  • If you need screenshots I can make them in a minute. But I believe it's easy to see what I'm saying.

  • Any news? The title is a bit misleading, it's not about "Empire view doesn't update researches" but "Empire view resets researches data" so after updating every info with empire view, then one has mandatorily to go to Research page to update the researches (in particular motors).

  • Planet Size

    Minion - - Archive - Suggestions


    The funny thing is that they tried to make people use more dark matter by making people spend more fields in things like the containers (which now are required to be higher that they were in the past at the smaller levels) or the current planet sizes, with the idea that people would buy more extra fields with dark matter, apart from ensure a few extra relocations from positions 8 to 12 for instance, etc. Now people are struggling (which, in my opinion, is due to the lack of thought put into the …

  • What I mean is that the current way OGotcha behaves when treating multiple waves is not good enough since it hides important information. If the waves follow the classic structure (big attack + waves stealing resources) then it shows a decent output, but if the waves are “non-standard” (e.g., big attack with no profit to reduce defenses + more waves like this before actually winning a battle) then the output is not useful, and I hope it is changed. I suggest a few changes, but they are not thoug…

  • I know the answer for this hasn't been positive, but at least to make a formal suggestion here in Origin. In the past many communities (it varies from one to another) made many equations publicly available. Not in a beautiful and congruent way, but at least they tried. Now that we have Origin, it's the perfect opportunity to make an official and centralized database of relevant equations. As of today, it's a mess. One can go to OGame Wikia and find a few correct equations, and a few incorrect on…

  • (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content)

  • My suggestion is just "do something"; I cannot be more precise. This thread is to open a discussion. Take this example of battle, here are the API keys: cr-es-130-3afb7b247cb69f6eda557f47600f1f1b44c1aa17 cr-es-130-26a68ba2f18789fed7de468bc8d6c5157799cd13 cr-es-130-ed3f5437e974d43f74fc6cbd48e912f19a1fbc7c cr-es-130-44f3ff9597f69b63dfd4f9a19d86295f16fae4b1 What should be shown in that case? The first attack is a draw, the second attack is still a draw, the third attack the attacker wins and gets s…

  • @NoMoreAngel Is it accepted in general and they need to think about what to implement or the complete idea is already chosen, and now they only need to actually implement it? In case it's decided, since many have been discussed, which “version” is it? Does it affect every ship, or only the “transport” ships? Does it have a bigger step in higher levels as was mentioned? Many things were said, but since there was no feedback, I don't know what's the end form of the idea. Deuterium consumption defi…

  • Using Empire view resets the research data, so in Fleet page each ship speed shown is wrong. One has to go back to Research page to update the technologies so AntiGame remembers them.