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  • Tutorial 10: ACS

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    i dont know where pics are. i dont have them

  • Seems this one is ok

  • Oki.. 1st post updated. needs wiki update

  • Okay. To be updated in wiki

  • Game user acc

    Icegirl - - General


    GEMA i cant see

  • Wiki list

    Icegirl - - Archive - Wiki & Guides


    Keep in mind tasks

  • Wiki meeting 27.6.

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Hello, all interested in wiki.. there will be meeting on monday, 27.6., 8pm german time at #ogame.origin See you there Logs (Hidden Content)

  • Wiki meeting 27.6.

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Hello, If you are still willing and motivated to work, please message me for convo and to do list. If you are unsure, but interested, please contact me via irc. I can explain everything. Regards Icegirl

  • Wiki list

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    Tutorials <br \> <br \> table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #3AD519; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } ListNameProgressWiki 0First steps updated 15.7.2016 1Basic economy updated 15.7.2016 2Buildings updated 15.7.2016 3Defense updated 15.7.2016 4Research updated 15.7.2016 5Ships updated 15.7.2016 6Saving updated…

  • Wiki Tasks

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    Dear Wiki member, Please keep in mind thread: Wiki & Guides - Important This is list of tasks for wiki: [Date] - [What needs to be done] - [Link]: [03.06.2017] - [Review all tutorials and guides, give feedback about what could be added, changed or removed (if anything)] - [Wiki List] [3.7.2016] - [To write Guide 20: Portal] - [Wiki list] [03.06.2017] - [Translate a guide or tutorial to any language and post them here: Origin Localized] - [Wiki list]

  • Overview

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    General Wiki & Guides team create and improve tutorials, guides, tactics, FAQ, video tutorials and everything that can help to a new player through OGame world. We are putting effort to promote Ogame the best we can, to provide tutorials, guides and tricks how to do stuff ingame, how to progress and how to be good at this game - what is more important, to teach new players about game before they give up playing. If you have knowledge and some free time, you are more than welcome to contribute in…

  • Wiki & Guides - Important

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    Where can I see what to do? Don't forget we have wiki meetings to see how we are doing, to discuss certain things in real time (not over pms) and see if we can get something done better way. If you can't join meeting, please pm me so i know you are still willing to help

  • Wiki & Guides - Important

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    How to work? Job is pretty simple. - Open one of tutorials/guides/tactics (that we are working at) from - First post is explanation of the guide (description, author, what needs to be done, changelogs) - Second post is usually final post of that guide. Usually its locked and named as Final. - Point is to read that post, to see when its updated in later posts and to read discussion regarding specific sentences, information, whats important.. - and then gi…

  • Wiki & Guides - Important

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    Hello everyone, This thread is explanation of everything that Wiki & Guides team does and how. If you are new to the team, please read first. Ogame Origin has several teams: - OGame Tech - for technical issues, monitoring and reporting new/unknown bugs, to respond on possible solutions or feedback regarding updates (OGame Tech DPA only) - Game Team - for game team related tutorials, tools and etc (any OGame game side DPA) - OGame/Ideas Planet - for ideas, suggestions, discussions regarding possi…

  • Wiki meeting 24.4.

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Please message me if you will attend or if you cant

  • Wiki meeting 24.4.

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Hello all wiki teamlers and wiki followers, We will have meeting on sunday 24.4., around 8pm german time. Where? irc -> #ogame.origin Regards Icegirl

  • Happy Easter!

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Dear community, We wish you a happy and blessed Easter. Spend your holidays with your friends, family and loved ones and don't forget to Fleetsave! easter-cards-download.jpg Your Ogame Origin

  • Ogame Wiki recruitment

    Icegirl - - Origin


    You can apply still. We have few spots left Hurry!

  • Ogame Wiki recruitment

    Icegirl - - Origin


    Dear teamlers, members and players, Wiki is still recruiting. We are putting effort to promote Ogame the best we can, to provide tutorials, guides and tricks how to do stuff ingame, how to progress and how to be good at this game - what is more important, to teach new players about game before they give up playing. Status of wiki: - We have done tutorials - We have done guides (not published yet) - We will have new project as soon as we gather our team If you a…

  • Timeline for kingdom of guides

    Icegirl - - Wiki


    All done... added: Guide 09: ACS Advanced