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In the german community some users remarks that it isn't necessary to block the phalanx. The arguments are: 1. The relocation itselfs needs 24h to be completed, so this would only help if Player2 saves longer than 24h 2. If Player2 saves longer than 24h it doen't make any difference whether Player1 have to wait 24h or not. He simply can phalanx after 24h with the same results. Hope you understand what I mean. Just ask if something isn't clear.
In the german community some users remarks that it isn't necessary to block the phalanx. The arguments are: 1. The relocation itselfs needs 24h to be completed, so this would only help if Player2 saves longer than 24h 2. If Player2 saves longer than 24h it doen't make any difference whether Player1 have to wait 24h or not. He simply can phalanx after 24h with the same results. Hope you understand what I mean. Just ask if something isn't clear.