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Please add an common "highlight" for player that are above 500k points, so that you can see if he/she is able to retreat on attack. maybe a tiny symbol is fitting the best (keep the overview), so it can be placed in the spyreports as well as in the galaxy. if you need a special icon for it, then ofc you can call me ;)
hi there, today i saw a bug: on overview, if you open the buddylist and then open a message window to a player from the buddylist, then the table of infocompte enlarges drastically with the message editor bar everywhere. p.s. the bottom GF bar has been moved there (crossing the IC table) by the add-on FireShot (used to take the screenshot)
small suggestion in addition: -> check all lines that are marked (press the mouse and draw a box around the lines with your cursor) with this feature you dont need to check every single spyreport that you want to delete (if it is a group) e.g. sort by date and delete all old spyreports by marking them and pressing the DEL-button: ccbkxvuf.png the same is for the other columns, sort by DEF and delete all spyreports where you directly can see that there is too much defense sort by loot and delete …
AGO - Logo & Promo
PostDear user, When i got the commision to create a promotion card for AntiGameOrigin to present this browser-extension in the Google Web Store there was the decision to also redesign the logo of AntiGameOrigin. I have the duty to show you the now used results of my work: r5de2upp.png (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) Please note that this images are not compressed, so its size can be reduced by using (if there is a limi…
hi, when i started a new universe i saw that not all options are stored. I wanted to get my settings to the new universe and when i copy+paste the text i found this: - changed settings from tab Tools are not stored (shown in Panel) - DEL-buttons subjects for Message page are not stored - local clock difference is not stored - how to show events is not stored maybe there are more settings (that are used generally for different accounts) which is not stored. so please store such data ! thx Regards…
what's about taking the improved cargo ship info but keeping the detailed fleet info as it is (or vice versa). some info can be shown in the Panel instead... The point is, that the current detailed fleet info is too less imo. There could be more (and i didn't add much...) so with my layout you can easily see if your total cargo capacity is enough to carry all resources, also the difference between the loaded resources and the needed cargo capacity. There is enough space to show this info so you …
I looked around the suggestions for the fleet menu and i wanted to tell you my suggested layout for the fleetpage 1 corresponding threads: - Deathstar in Calculator - Debris in case of destroyed fleet original: ycyjz4vf.png improved: a4mk7zrw.png So you can see that the RIPs are included here in the calculator and in the cargo ship section in the Detailed Info. There you still see the needed amount of cargo ships (for each type) to carry all resources, but in addition you also see the current se…
hi, it would also be nice to have more than just 5 standard targets. can it being increased a bit, like 8 to 10 standard targets?
just a look to the "missing resources" area let you see, if you can start building the selected queue of the tab Constructions of the Panel. Furthermore the font colour of the shown resources is changing in this dependence. Instead i suggest to highlight the current selected objects of this Panel tab. you can choose to calculate with pinned objects from a single position, moon and planet together, or even complete account (maybe in the future also a complete system) the so selected objects can b…
well done but can you also improve the shown empty queue boxes ? only the text of the research-box have to be changed to look similiar to the others and let the box adjust to the others. rcjumihz.png change "There is no research in progress at the moment (To research)" to "No research in progress (To research)" p.s. where are your images? cant see 'em anymore.
hi there, this sounds really nice and i cant await that there will be used/displayed more data from the GalaxyTool directly in OGame someday. The only bad thing is, that the most (me too) are using the official GThosting and so we customer are not able to implement it in the database. Therefore I wrote a suggestion to the GTboard and i hope that you perhaps get a conversation started to make it possible. see here: Regards, fl00ri
this bug occured the 3rd time for me now, and only for this single position/player whenever he is ACS attacking with some light fighters. i think it has something to do with this special conditions (all other phalanx windows were displayed correctly so far) bug description: (combat) ships are not detected, and so not listed as details of the fleetmovement (cant toggle, only the image of the green arrow is changing if i click it) the image was made under firefox 25.0.1 and AGO 5.6.33 after updati…
this auto-set feature is depending on the action, the player is used to. so in fact it could be changed (at least the option to disable this part) I for myself use a well rounded amount of solarsats and futhermore adjust the energy with the fusion reactor, so for me the auto-set feature mostly selects an amount that iam not willing to build. in most cases i need to change the numbers in there aswell. But it's also known that the fusion reactior isn't payed much attention, so this aspect is missi…
more places for a button to do the "last action" came to my mind for instance there can be such a repeat-button in the Galaxy. So you insert the last visited coordinates (other than your own system): pfno4bzg.png the next location could be in the fleet page 1 there you could select the last used ship amount (ok there is the last-button, but you would go to fleet2 by using it, but with the repeat-button you still would stay on fleet1 and may use other routines or the calculator) in this part it c…