Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Quote from Shole: “Current website: <copypasted site here> It is still running old website since new one still need some design touches. I hope to finish it in few days. ” You never updated this site. None of the updates you have promised are ever done. You are a pathological liar that has managed to lie himself into a position of 'power' and your ego is too big to back down. Quote from Shole: “Hey as promised, new server, new domain, everything new. Current website: It is sti…

  • Quote from KeVLaR: “Quote from Chewbacca: “Quote from KeVLaR: “I much prefer waasalk's add on these days anyway. Runs smoother and better. You have made a good deal of money off an add on you did not create in the end. I would be interested what your lawyer would say about that in regards to intellectual property of others. ” The money he made was him selling his coupons, not actual donations. The guy that hosted the site ( saw nothing of the money, hence why the site is offline to t…

  • Quote from KeVLaR: “I much prefer waasalk's add on these days anyway. Runs smoother and better. You have made a good deal of money off an add on you did not create in the end. I would be interested what your lawyer would say about that in regards to intellectual property of others. ” The money he made was him selling his coupons, not actual donations. The guy that hosted the site ( saw nothing of the money, hence why the site is offline to this day.

  • before you do this can you please fix your add-on? the code you (quite obviously) pasted in broke the settings menu and AGO disappears once you hit save @Shole