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  • About Moon attemps

    Valent - - General


    sorry for answering with delay. Confirmation : For moonshots , the higher player has to return at least the resulting DF . It is recommended to swap moons or pay the entire cost of the fleet ( nobody wants that lower ranked players to suffer from this rule) . One main reason for this exception is that we encourage players to find new ways to cooperate in game, and low ranked players can receive some strategic/ tactical advantages by sacrificing some moonshots. Remember, even if we say " free moo…

  • About Moon attemps

    Valent - - General


    Here is a tutorial about moon: I think you are asking about rules to make a moon. It is quite simple: pushing rule applies. This means that if a lower ranked player is attacking , you have to return to him at least the debris if not the entire cost of the lost fleet. Best option is to find a player that also wants a moon and you attack each other with the necessary ships , each of you can keep the corresponding debris. It is important that the higher ranked…

  • Quote from Cavalier342: “Ability to swap booster/construction items So, here is a wild idea. I find that I'm usually in possession of too many unneeded items and short of the ones I need. I understand there are auctions and Import/Export as well. Export means nothing, as we cannot "export" anything anyway. But what if we could swap unneeded items for ones we need, of the same value. For instance, Player A has 100 Bronze Newtrons, and 10 Bronze Krakens. The player wishes to speed up mine upgrade…

  • Redesign of galaxy view

    Valent - - Feedback & Discussions


    exactly , that is why your feedback is very valuable

  • somehow modified : see the wreak field

  • Battles should be listed in-game!

    Valent - - Suggestions


    Quote from WeTeHa: “Maybe it would be useful to give the option of showing / sharing your CR in game ... but not without your will. ” implemented in V6

  • The experiment was successful, we thank you all for your contribution Portal test run successful

  • Since the new Portal was taken offline successfuly , registration to Origin test servers are now possible again.

  • Portal test run successful

    Valent - - OGame


    Operation was a success and now everything is back to normal.

  • Portal test run successful

    Valent - - OGame


    Dear players, Our public test servers have been connected to the new Portal for several weeks now, and thanks to your help we've been able to gather enough test data to make it an even greater platform! So until the Portal is ready to take on all of OGame's pilots, we'll go back to our old ways. We will disconnect from the portal on the 25th of August at around noon. You may be experiencing connection hiccups for an hour or two, but no worries, it won't happen much longer than that. Thank you al…

  • The Original Origin™ Spam thread

    Valent - - Spam


  • updated, ready for wiki

  • Rachete interplanetare Atacarea unui jucător cu nave nu este întotdeauna singura posibilitate. Există două tipuri de rachete: Rachete interplanetare (IPM) si Rachete antibalistice (ABM ) Primele pot fi lansate pentru a distruge apararea inamicului, ultimele sunt lanasate pentru a intercepta Rachetele interplanetare lanstae de un dușman. Rachetele interplanetare sunt o armă puternică împotriva planetelor cu o mulţime de structuri defensive, un aşa numit buncăr. Prin excelență sunt o facilitate st…

  • Capitolul 10: SAL

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    updated, ready for wiki

  • Capitolul 10: SAL

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Capitolul 10: SAL Tutorial 10: ACS - Capitolul 10: SAL Sistemul de Luptă Aliat (SAL) permite unirea flotelor mai multor jucători, în concluzie nici un jucător nu e pe cont propriu. Poţi ataca o ţintă cu prietenii, însă poţi de asemenea să trimiți flota în apărarea partenerilor sau prietenilor care se află în lista ta de prieteni. Poţi deci să ataci ţinte cu mult mai mari, și permite alternative la mai multe tactici. Important: Ţine minte, așa cum este explicată în <<Atacuri>> aspectele legate de…

  • load buttons bug

    Valent - - Bugs & questions


    Quote from Shole: “You can do translations here: Projects Translations ”

  • Dear players, Due to the new portal , still under testing, registrations to any Origin Universe are not possible, except Retro server Initial announcement is here : No new account registrations on Pioneers Your Origin Team

  • Capitolul 09: Atacuri

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Tutorial corectat First post updated, ready for wiki

  • Capitolul 09: Atacuri

    Valent - - RO - Romanian


    Capitolul 09: Atacuri Tutorial 09: Raids - Capitolul 09: Atacuri Pentru a găsi ţinte bune de atacat ar trebui să te uii în apropierea voastră şi să spionezi tot ce ți s-ar părea bun de atacat. Caută jucători mai slabi sau apropiaţi ca putere de a voastră, inactivii pot fi câteodată o ţintă bună. Locaţia ţintei este importantă - cu cât distanţa faţă de planeta ta este mai mare, cu atât misiunea va dura mai mult şi consumul de deuteriu va fi mai mare. În consecinţă atacul va prezenta un risc mai m…

  • OGame 6.2 x

    Valent - - OGame


    Attention user tool developers. With the coming 6.2.4 version, the galaxy view will come with several changes. It is possible that your tools will not work anymore. Please test your tools in uni 680 . If you have a tool under development or already tolerated but you don't have account in 680 to test it. Please send me or Shole a PM with desired account name and e-mail you want to register your account.