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  • I don't know if you answer to me or another people on this thread. I never proposed to change the spying system. I just say that today ( to take your example ), if I send a probe with " Spy " mission on a target and saw nothing, I receive : > one empty spy report, with res and a sentence " spy defence rate 100% " > one fight report, with " probes shooted on the first round " I don't want to see more than now in the report; I just proposed to NOT RECEIVE the fight report, because its useless. I k…

  • I understand very well WHY today there is a message. I just say that during 10 years playing Ogame, with a top fleet account, so with a lot of Spy Reports, I never found any information I cannot have with the spy report. For RiV, if you don't want to read every single report, why do you send probes ?

  • No, because the loose of the probes are just a message saying no more than the " probability to loose probes " you have on your reports. So when you read the reports, you know yet the presence of fleet or not...

  • Any reactions on that ?

  • Hello, any reaction for that ?

  • Merge tab title

    iguypouf - - Loca Support


    Hello, The third tab title is : "Choisissez vos amis" That means "Choose your friends" and not "Choice of your friends" The correct text should be "Choix de vos amis"

  • Merge in France

    iguypouf - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hello, Its a good news to learn that a merge is planned. But for the huge first group, why did you not propose to merge to a new empty universe + several existing one ? Its not a personal feeling, its based on facts : regarding the history of the merges, the BEST MERGE EVER have been made to new universes : 66, 67, 68. Only those universes are still active and have shown a lot of beautiful fights. Do you think that its possible to add an empty universe for the group 1 ? Lets say uni 2, for insta…

  • Mmmm, are you sure that res given back after downgrade is available for other thing than converting the wreck field into ships ? I don't think so. So no problem with push.

  • Hi JoKy, I understand well you want a constructive conversation, but if I'm right : - on our local board, the translation of the announcement is " give us your opinion ". You can disagree with the opinion of players that think that the destruction is on their gameplay since years, but just answering " its like that now, and regarding this it cannot be changed ? " is not a constructive way to discuss. This answer can work on every suggestion, so if its to receive this answer I think GF must not p…

  • DeLord, thank you for the precision. I thought it has something to do with the winner, as far as the " purpose " explained to " justify " this new feature is... to avoid loosing players who loose their fleet in the game. In the case I asked for, the player that the game will loose, its the attacker, not the defender. Thank you for your answer, iguy

  • What about the attacker who crash against a defence of 5 players ? Is it considered as the looser of the fight, and regarding this the wreck field is available for him ? Or even if winner is only for the defender ?

  • Hello, any news on this ? For all players that like to keep the notifications empty, it means one load of the messaging system less on each circular message... On this century of search for server ressources, is good to know too

  • This will not motivate the smashed people. This will only lead to push. And everybody knows a player who looses his fleet, robs all the debris field with fast-clicked cyclos, and however never comes back.

  • Link to delete messages

    iguypouf - - Loca Support


    On each fleet tab, we see this : Quote: “ supprimer ou tout Espionnage. ” This means " delete OR all Spy Reports ". Its the same text on all tabs. The " OR " has no reason to be there, we can have " supprimer tout espionnage " ou " supprimer tous les messages de cet onglet ", literally " delete all spy reports " or " delete all messages of this tab ". Thank you

  • I'm the only one unable to quote on the origin board ? Its rageous ! Quote: “how would it make the game unbalanced if it was the same amount of deu for the same flighttime? ” Its not what I said. What I said is that the game is unbalanced with this new crazy speed of recys. And to keep this balanced, we have to add an inconvenient for this new feature, and this inconvenient is the consumption. Yeah, to be able to rob res from fights other than yours, you have to pay more deut when you don't use …

  • Because in this case, you only have the advantage, and not the inconvenient. And once again, its this choice which is called strategy. Its exactly the same as another thread asking to be able to ghost the fleet on 5% or 1%. They want something better ( fast universe or fast engines ) but the inconvenient about the decrease of the ghost time is too much.

  • Quote: “but I wouldn't say it's "huge" ” Its not huge only if you take in consideration YOUR single player game. I will take an example of a fight just happened in my universe. A player saved his fleet from his big bunker. A player tried to attack him, and 45 minutes before combat, another player defended him from the same system. The player calculated that the loss will not be so huge, so sent the rest of the recy (3h20 time flight) and let the fight happening. Any player (in VM too) that would…

  • Quote: “and also I don't understand how can you imagine recy would be heavier than destroyer... it can only be heavier in context of it's pilot listening to heavy metal music.. how can recy be heavier than destroyer, when destroyer would be much larger than recy, and equipped with massive weapons, cannons and everything, while recy has only cargo bay that can take 20k of resources, moreover, you need about 5 recy fully loaded with resources to make one destroyer?????? ” And why not ? You imagine…

  • Bah, if you start speaking about weight, we can imagine that a recycler is more heavy than a destroyer. More heavy than a small cargo. Taking back my IRL comparison, if you take the engine of the BMW and put it in a C2 ( and if we an imagine that the french material will not explode on first acceleration ), this engine will consume 8L / 100. Just remember that recycler looses his combustion motor, and builds up a new one.

  • Hi everybody, How this should be understood ? Is it a bug fix ( the activity - understand player activity in Spy Reports - were abnormal ), or is it an operation tool ( to detect the cheaters or bot users ) ? I don't want any detail, don't worry, just how to understand this improvement BKR, iguy