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  • Solar Satellites errors

    scappe - - Skynet


    I posted HERE the issue.

  • Solar Satellites errors

    scappe - - Skynet


    I noticed that there are a couple of errors in Solar Satellites calculation for mines and for their production... 1-By clicking on one of the mines, it ONLY SOMETIMES appears the amount of Solar Satellites I have to build to produce the necessary energy for that mine. I don't know why, but it doesn't appears for every mine of the account.... 2- (Maybe) due to a rounding error (floor/ceil functions) the amount of Solar Satellites needed is wrong. 3- When I want to build some Satellites if I write…

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (3 lines) and for the ratio: PHP Source Code (1 line)

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (14 lines) Maybe you made a copy-paste mistake, there are 2 "light theme" and no "dark theme". In case: PHP Source Code (1 line) I didn't translate the "ratio" because I can't understand what it shows... EDIT: I saw there are other things I will have to translate, as Batiments ("Infrastrutture"), Recherches ("Ricerche").

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    (Hidden Content) Boosters are items you can find during special events as newtron/detroid/...?? In the dropdown menu which filters CR, expo or CR+expo there is a translation mistake. It says "Combattimento di Rapporti", but it should be "Rapporti di Combattimento".

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    "it - 0 - 535" no merchant nor fleet lost. "it - 0 - 534" FLEET LOST. Searching in the italian forum I found 2 other messages: (Hidden Content) So now you have 4/5 fleet loss messages

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    There aren't merchant/fleet loss messages from "it - 0 - 280" to "it - 0 - 399" and from "it - 0 - 405" to "it - 0 - 520". FLEET LOSS: "it - 0 - 404"

  • [ALL LANGUAGES] Expedition messages

    scappe - - Translations


    Do you only want to know about Marchant and fleet loss? Nothing more than this?

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    Unlikely (for me) I found one of the fleet destroyed messages today... (Hidden Content)

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    I thought there were al least 2 different messages, but I trusted you Maybe this is the second (I found it on old italian forum messages so I don't know if it's been changed or not) (Hidden Content)

  • DF % in speedsim

    scappe - - Bugs & Questions


    Yes, it works! Thank you very much

  • DF % in speedsim

    scappe - - Bugs & Questions


    As told in the title, when I click on "S" button in a spy report and I go to topraider's speedsim I have to modify manually (everytime) the percentage of Debris Field. Could you be able to add this very small feature? Is it possible? Thanks!

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    MERCHANT: (Hidden Content) Is there only 1 possible message for merchant and 2 different messages when your fleet disappears?

  • TopRaider Translation

    scappe - - Projects Translations


    (Hidden Content)

  • Add few more cargos to farm

    scappe - - Skynet


    Quote from NoMoreAngel: “If Skynet tells you a production other than the base production, you are fine. If Skynet does not do that, just scan with more probes once, Skynet saves the productiondata and will keep it for future reports in it's local database ;)” It saves production infos for future reports? I didn't know that... Thanks!

  • Add few more cargos to farm

    scappe - - Skynet


    oh, you're right, there is already a feature for extra production, but when I spy inactives I often use 1 or 2 probes so I don't see infrastructures... It's why I have to add extra cargos, the scrpit put basic production which doesn't match obviously. I'll use more probes and the problem will be solved.

  • Installing Skynet on Mozilla Mobile

    scappe - - Skynet


    Ok, understood. Thanks for immediate reply.

  • Add few more cargos to farm

    scappe - - Skynet


    Hi Skynet, everyone who farms wants to loot the maximum from each planet. If I click on the attack button in Raidar box, it selects automatically the number of cargos needed to loot the resources shown in spy report, but when the attack arrives to target it happens often that I can't loot everything because of meanwhile production and cargos capacity storage. SO, what about an option in settings menu where I can specify how many additional cargos I want to send with every attack? Example: In the…

  • Installing Skynet on Mozilla Mobile

    scappe - - Skynet


    Hi Skynet, an italian user has ssome problems installing Skynet on his Sony Xperia Z in Mozilla Mobile. He can download and install other addons such as Antigame but when he tries to install Skynet it doesn't work. He taps on the install button but nothing happens. I hope you can understand what's the problem. What should he do?

  • TopRaider Translation

    scappe - - Projects Translations


    (Hidden Content) Here you are!