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  • Hi, I already tested it and it works Can this feature be tolerated? It only registers arrival time of missions to and from a player his planet. So only the events that he can see ingame will be registered, which seems pretty legit to me. Grtz, War

  • Hi, TrashSim is not based on any simulator, it's completely new. On the other hand, the simulation formula uses some ideas from speedsim & osimulate. As of version 1.4.0 the formula should be fail proof! Grtz, War

  • Hi, I'm making a new feature for UniverseView, just need to know if it's allowed before a can publish it! Chrome, Opera & Firefox extensions allow desktop notifications. The feature would register your fleet arrivals from the event list and schedule notifications. About 60 seconds before the mission arrives a notification will notify the user that a fleet will be landing shortly. (The number of seconds is just an example, could be less, more or even user definable) The registration of an event (…

  • Hi, Should be fixed now! Thanks for reporting the issue, weird that you're the first one who notifies me. Turkish is like the 6th most used language on TrashSim... Grtz, War

  • UniverseView - 3.2.2

    Warsaalk - - UniverseView


    Hi, Update 3.2.2 Changelog: - Fix => Fixes for OGame version 6.3.5 - Fix => Links to UniverseView forum threads Added Romanian & Russian to UniverseView Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via this board. Grtz, War

  • Hi, TrashSim just got updated to version 1.4.1. Changelog: - Performance & memory optimizations (more info below) - Javascript API (more info below) I did some optimizations to the simulations code. Chrome users already had an advantage bij using a Pnacl module, which should now be 3x faster at most. Users from other browsers, using the plain Javascript module, should now have a 4,5x speed gain at most. Have fun (Hidden Content) Enjoy. Grtz, War


    Warsaalk - - General


    Well that guy has a lot of time and some good OGame knowledge If your saving pattern is consistent it's relatively easy to calculate the return of your fleet. There are also a lot of tricks to avoid this!

  • Hi, TrashSim just got updated to version 1.4.0. This update contains something I've been staring at for almost a year. A (hopefully) final fix for the battle algoritme! So the RIP & Dome problems should be history. Changelog: - New, A notice (popup) when there are techs missing for a player - New, Added Chinese - New, Added the global deuterium save factor (universe setting) - Fix, Battle formula - Fix, Bomber drive issue If anyone wants to give feedback about the new battle formula, please let …

  • UniverseView - 3.2.1

    Warsaalk - - UniverseView


    Hi, Update 3.2.1 Changelog: - Fix => Fixes for OGame version 6.3.4 Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via this board. Grtz, War

  • New version of UniverseView should already be available for Google Chrome. The FireFox & Opera add-ons are submitted. Version 6.3.4 will contain a fix for this problem

  • Hi, Haven't had the time to check 6.3.4 yet. I'll take a look at it, thanks for the report! Grtz, War

  • OGetit version 1.0.7 ServerXML data update

  • I created a skin for DA Should work now when you select it! Autoloading the skin will be fixed in OGotcha 4.1.5!

  • Hi, The problem seems to be the first word: "On 09-13 10:29:21 the following fleets met in battle::" The parser parses "At ..." Do you have more defender wins & attacker wins? Maybe the differ when the other side has won. Grtz, War

  • UniverseView - 3.2.0

    Warsaalk - - UniverseView


    Hi, Update 3.2.0 Changelog: - Polish => removed innerHTML by HTML parser - Added => support for OGame version 6.3.0 Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via this board. Grtz, War

  • Hi everyone, I'm still searching people to translate these languages: - Finish - Japanese - Norwegian - Serbo-Croatian - Slovak - Slovanian If you want to help, just send me a PM via this board Grtz, War

  • WBB4.1 change

    Warsaalk - - Feedback & Discussions


    Well at first sight it looks really nice. I'm still in the process discovering all the new stuff.

  • Quote from ErikFyr: “Maybe sometime in the future it can be done when we have even more powerful computers” I hope so

  • Quote from ErikFyr: “Quote from Warsaalk: “That is also something I've already been thinking about. But it's more complex & more heavy than a normal simulation. There's a lot more to it than just simulating a battle with what you thing is right. I don't think it'll be developing it any time soon, also because I'd have to buy a much more expensive server to do all the calculations...” Maybe it can be made as a Javascript, so you don't need to buy the more expensive server and the calculations cou…

  • Quote from ruke: “I think i have a bug.” Indeed, I know there's a bug with the shields. I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is! Thanks for the report. Quote from Krzaku: “It would be nice if TrashSim provided an option to simulate the best fleet composition to minimize losses and maximize resource profit. Would something like this be doable?” That is also something I've already been thinking about. But it's more complex & more heavy than a normal simulation. There's a lot more to it …