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  • Error on Messages

    benneb - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    hello it's an ogame v5 bug will be fix with the very close v6

  • Quote from vulca: “Favorites messages should be duplicated. Then you could delete all CR in CR section, and keep your favorites CR.” +1

  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    benneb - - OGame API


    Quote from ciap: “We have v6.0 :((( Site: converter + archive reports” if you are asking a KEY, it's for your own tool you must ask to the webmaster of this tool to come to ask, and also prove this is his tool

  • my idea : with v6 : Quote: “Each level of storage will protect 1% of the daily production of that planet (meaning that the amount of protected resources won't be only bounded to the level of the storage but to the production as well)” Each level of storage will protect 2 x lvl of graviton % more

  • Quote: “I would like to know what limitations are involved with using the RSS Feed for a program” there are no limitation with external tools of ogame Quote: “Please read forbidden and allowed things on ogame tools here: Forbidden vs. allowed ” this is "forbidden and allowed things" for ingame , not for external

  • OGame API

    benneb - - OGame API


    you must request with PHP , not JS

  • this is a private information : attacker and defenser will have this CR Key, and i think in some case, attacker would not share his % speed, to not be attacked in return

  • Quote from theforce: “Quote from Icegirl: “About DM - If somebody really will spend money to earn 1st reward of 25€ coupon, that doesnt bring him/her anything.” so it will definitely be able to buy DM ?” yes, like all contest

  • new version for v6 and v5

  • OGame API

    benneb - - OGame API


    Quote: “Dear community, 2014 is about to finish and 2015 is around the corner with some interesting stuff waiting for you! ..... Mobile application: you all want it, we all want it as well. We know that you strongly want an application for your mobile devices. What we can tell you at the moment is… the application is in our list and plans, it’s not forgotten ..... Your OGame team ” Quote: “Because of the App-development for mobile devices from Gameforge they applied some rules about the presence…

  • Moon spaces

    benneb - - Archive - OGame Planet


    the field of moon are not depending of size 19 - 22 - 25 - 28 - 31 fields no bug in your screen

  • Due to the big success and the amount of data that we have gathered and analysed -which helped us to find and fix several bugs, thanks to everyone who made it possible- in Bermuda, it's been decided that the registration cap will be increased. On Friday 27th at 13:30 (CET) the limit of registered accounts will be increased up to 1.000 (total). At the same time, all the inactive accounts (7 or more days) will be deleted. And last but not least, the newest version of version6.0.0, alpha15 will be …

  • Poll For Circular Universes Wishes

    benneb - - OGame


    hello We will run a poll to ask users if they want to have their universe (the existing ones) circular or lineal. The results will be sorted by universe/country, therefore the circular universe setting will be enabled just in those universes where players want to have it and in the way they want to have it (only galaxies, only solar systems or both). We will proceed as it follows: Poll will be in English An in-game message will be sent to all players with the link and the text of the poll. The i…

  • espionage action

    benneb - - Archive - OGame Planet


    [ support ] Missing Information About Attacker or Espionager déjà répondu ici, c'est en travaux

  • Quote from JoKy: “Combat reports get a totally new shorter style in Alpha13 of 6.0.0 I suggested to implement a setting for disable pics in the espionage report for those old gamers. So those old eyes do not hurt anymore LG” +1

  • Dear players, today we got some more (interesting) information about v6.0.0 and changes. Some of the stuff I am going to mention is already known but some other is completely new. We keep working on the version. The release date is still unknown, sorry General changes: - New message system: - new tabs - better performance - chat (player to player) - storage for favourite messages - optimized spy reports (short and detailed views) - separated message icons (player message & others) - message syst…

  • where is francolino

    benneb - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    i will try to fix it

  • AntiGameOrigin with last version of Firefox 36

  • hello the last version of Firefox are not supported by AntiGameOrigin and as it is no one to fix it for now please keep the previous version 35 => you can download it here : old version of firefox

  • this is just ignored for the daily calculation of production