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  • Redesign of galaxy view

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from Surok: “I have the same issue. I don´t have to scroll that far, but I only see until part of Planet 14. I am playing on a Macbook Air 15´´. 1440x900. I think there should be less space between each planet line. If you could adjust that, it would be great. ” Forwarded LG

  • Redesign of galaxy view

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    - The dark part (Same dark as before, there was no color change) - It´s too big for you hmm yeah it is some px larger, but no that much. What is your resolution or screen size? I don´t have to scroll. - for the AGO part, please don´t compare it with such an addon, i don´t want to start a discussion about those many different addon settings and views LG

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    All Testservers are updated! Have fun with testing LG

  • With the newest version there is an additional dialogue for abbandon planet/moon. LG

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Here at least one screenshot, how the "Redesign" of the galaxy view will look like. LG

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Tomorrow the next 6.3.0 Beta version (Includes 6.2.4-beta4) will arrive on all livetestservers. This version will contain a "Redesign" of the galaxy view. Therefore we need your feedback for improvements. Please have an eye on the load times and general problems by comparing the live version. Changelog: Quote: “[Bugs] Fix for galaxyview under ios10 [Bugs] Missing 'left' in tooltip [Bugs] Several API fixes [Feature Request] Show additional warning at planet/moon deletion [Feature Request] "Re…

  • bug in ogame retro

    JoKy - - General


    My resources did not evaporate after my fleet came back from fleet save There must be something wrong, but not with this uni

  • New messages counter

    JoKy - - Bug Reporting


    I reproduced it and created a ticket for it LG

  • New messages counter

    JoKy - - Bug Reporting


    Hmm The only thing i have in mind after reading your post: When a new member join an alliance, all old and still existing alliance messages are loaded and should be displayed for that user. Maybe it get in conflict with a missing right !? @NoMoreAngel or @Shole can test it LG

  • Idlers

    JoKy - - General


    Yeah, those bad and evil idlers. Just register accounts and then never log it. We make again a force delete and those accounts should be deleted during the night LG

  • This "extra" sentence at the research: "The small transporter is also equipped with an impulse drive, as soon as the research reaches level 5." was added in a later version of the game and if I´m not wrong then with an version of OGame Redesign. LG

  • Hi! It isn´t that hard to have a look into the techinfo of each ship. So yes it should. Click on "Technology" and select the small cargo, then you will find the information, or have a look on my attached screenshot. LG

  • [OGameTech] Currently not Hiring

    JoKy - - Origin


    Small update for the contact part. If you are interested to join OGame-Tech please contact us via mail: LG

  • IP-raks way to strong?

    JoKy - - General


    The iraks work as intendend. LG

  • Inactive colonization

    JoKy - - General


    Then someone was quicker and create a ghost planet, which happen, when you try to colonize the 10. planet LG

  • Inactive colonization

    JoKy - - General


    How many planets do you have actually?

  • fleet dissapeared

    JoKy - - General


    Quote from JoKy: “Hi! Seems you still have some fun on the retro server, e.g. with those retro colony sizes and also retro bugs. The last point I want to take up. The server / version is as announced with no / basic support. I´m not the guy, who cover words in fluffiness, so I say it in direct way: If you find issues or loose something, you have to deal with it, there is no need to report it. At least only if the whole server is not reachable and critical stuff appear, then poke us and we will h…

  • Retro gains so many players more than RD

    JoKy - - General


    I know it is hard to deal with facts these days, but you can´t compare live servers on each com with different game mechanics and one retro server for all to say something about user stats and activity Just be glad that there are now around 5k players in the retro universe and you can have some fun LG

  • retro stats?

    JoKy - - General


    Those APIs, which prove all those data are part of the RD version and not in the retro version. At that time all was done manual by users and tooldevs. Go through every galaxy page e.g. with an addon and parse the data to add it to the external statistic pages. Good old times LG

  • Plasma Technology

    JoKy - - General


    Quote from ErikFyr: “Yes, I have send it to the developer so he will fix it as soon as he can ”