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  • Chat link

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Chat link can be longer then you can actually see. You can't click on it on the small box neighter in the big chat.

  • Unreadable messages

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    An extra unreadable message appeared after accepting a player to join the alliance which I can't see eighter.

  • New chat message

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Can you add some sounds to it when somebody writes you and you aren't on the page to see it?

  • Message reading

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from Resixh: “can you add in a screenshot ?” You can see in the other one. When I did a fast printscreen you can see a a number 2 in Fleets and on the first when the page is loaded it's nt there but under the Combat reports and Other has 1-1 unred message.

  • Unreadable messages

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Sure The third one was a quick printscreen after clicking on messages.

  • Unreadable messages

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Quote from Resixh: “cleared cache and cookies ?” Yeap just before I started to create these posts. (removed every add ons too) Using Chrome with only one page open (Ogame Bermuda).

  • Espionage report

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    The squared buttos not working. What is that text sharing at the end?

  • Message reading

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    When I have an unread combat report and when I open the messages (esiponage in default) the unread number next to fleet is dissapear. But actually i have to switch to combat reports to not get back the unred message.

  • It's the show button but it's missing.

  • In the left bottom corner you can se -1/50 and after a refresh the favourite message dissapears from there.

  • LOCA in messages

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I attached a picture.

  • Unreadable messages

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I have 7 unreadable messages. All of them under Communication--Information. When I opens that page it's automatically set them as red but after clicking on a menu (Overview) it's appears again that I have 7 not red messages.

  • RSS feed

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    It worked at the begining but now it's something wrong with it.

  • I beleive that the title and the picture explains it

  • What is that text area

    PETI258 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    The first thing is simple: Why is that text area on the buddy list? I tried a lot of thing but it's seems to me that is not working or not suppose to be there.

  • Quote from Boonsey: “triggered with any DM expenditure could be a (last second) bluff. wouldn't a DM activity flag raise other concerns?... such as telegraphing specific activity?” I didn't said any dm usage. I prefer that only applies too bought resources/fleet/defense (/maybe buildings and researches beacuse both be cancalled) and fast building with the shipyard. But yes it could mean a bluff too but rather spent a little deu which always spent on an attack than lose the fleet too.

  • There is more options than just delay the purchase. The only problem with the fast spend dm is that the attacker can't know about it and just crash his fleet to the defender. There is a few ways to know if the defender built some defense from the beggining of the attack to the 10-20 sec but after in the last 10 sec the attacker can't check the spy reports or statistics and turn the same time. In galaxy menu there should be a sign next to the activity like the attached picture and also there shou…

  • Kezdetben az OGame kicsit összezavaró lehet az új játékosoknak, még akkor is, ha nem ez az első online többszemélyes játékod, de különösképpen azoknak, akik nincsenek hozzászokva a böngészős játékokhoz. Ha mégsem az OGame az első böngészős játék, amit kipróbáltál, akkor is normális, ha problémáid és kérdéseid akadnak, mivel egy új játékos nem tudhat mindent. A mi célunk, hogy rálátást nyújtsunk a játék bizonyos részeire, és hogy megkönnyítsük az összes tudnivaló elsajátítását az OGammel kapcsola…

  • As the players have higher points (more kind/amount of ships, higher mines) the game rules do not changes although the players gets more expirienced how to play but there are some rules which carved in stone no matter i am talking about a 10k points account or a 5M. First af all the bashing:…om-17-9-2012/#post9316793 Quote: “It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon, owned by an active player, more than 6 times in a 24 hour period. This rule also applies…