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  • Hello all, As you know I suppose, with only two or three steps, a player is able now to reproduce the "save-procedure" to jump to jumpgate instantaneous. But, regarding to GCU, this is a bug-using. Some monthes ago, we was victim of this use, a player jumps in 0 seconds to save more than 500 Deathstars. After a long battle, the gameadmins locked the incriminated account, and deleted the deathstars (but no compensation for the attackers). At this time, I published a very simple bugfix, that I pre…

  • There isn't ANY reaction with this ?

  • Quote from Kramagon: “Quote from Cyber Smoke: “I think it simply generated a new one, being already hashed.” Yeah, as Omar said, if you ask for your pass, the system generates a new random one for you.” Yes, as I said above, I test and its like this... but since february 2010 MAXIMUM. So I see they improve the security since 2010, I hope they will change too this forwarding of URI parameters.

  • Quote from Omar Hawk: “Quote from iguypouf: “> Yes, if you make a password retrieval, you receive by email your existing password. So, the password in the DB is maybe crypted... But not hashed, for sure.” That's wrong. You'll get a new one.” If it is changed, it is a good news. Because on last time I maid it... I received my password by email. Quote from hynner: “If attacker has direct access to your computer, you can say goodbye to lot more than just your ogame password, you can´t just do anyth…

  • No, at this moment there are several possibilities : > access to your history (yes... if the stored password of firefox are a little bit securised > access to your computer account required... it's not the case of your history. "Only" an access of your history file is required, and its written in plain text in it... Due to the URI method) > access to the history of your internet trafic (sniffer, or box logs) For your remarks : > No, they didn't transfer logins for the fun, just because their sys…

  • 1/ the login is launched by post on the main login page, but after that the login page is redirected to the universe login2 page, and the information are forwarded by Query String. 2/ if you can retrieve the hash code... what can you do with that ? > you can't login, because the code will hash again your ... hash value > you can't delete planets, because the password is required I don't understand your point of view about that A lot of websites are a simple way to login with 10 times more securi…

  • It could be very safer for the security of our accounts if the password could be hashed and carried by POST and not GET protocol. Indeed, today, the password can be read through several ways...

  • Dear all, I know that the politic of GF is to only accepts backup when the delete is made by an exploit, and not when the player "looses" is password in bad hands. Yesterday, we've seen, again, a very important delete of the TOP 1 account of the univers 68. This act will, definitely, changes the face of the universe, again... I've also seen that GF make attempts to make a hack harder (anti brute force protection for example), but I've today a suggestion that takes the problem differently : if we…

  • I think its not really fixed. Bandits in MV remains in yellow !

  • What about this very important feature ?

  • It could create more problems that it solves. Example : I see a transport between two players. I attempt to attack the player who receives money, because I know that the player that carry the res is not connected. Result > the player attacked refuses the transport and... I take nothing. Actually, you've just to send res to your game operator, open a ticket and the player is banned. Its easy !

  • Game is enough easy, I guess. This idea removes another strategy dimension.

  • If we speak about Admin, I inform you that its possible to moonbreak an Admin Moon. Its not important (just a easy way to ghost), but I think its a bug

  • Quote from Prequel: “What was the first strategy i want to destroy? I don't see one. And about this, sorry but making players not to quit the game is more important than some fuel cost for some rare across the galaxy flights after months. Also, GameForge already considers Jump Gate to transport mines too right now.” Ah ah, its the center of the discussion. For you, its important to avoid that players quit the game. For me, its important to avoid that GOOD players quit the game. Your proposition …

  • Quote from Prequel: “I believe you haven't carefully read my first post. I already know everything you talk about and with respect probably more, here I quote; Quoted from "Prequel" He also attacks because he wants my friends to ACS defend me. So THEY can lock on their return. Most of us are top 10 players but they're first 3, and there is no better fleet even with 5 players. So they can't defend me. They can't attack his return. They can only help me by colonising closer coordinats, but since h…

  • The price of a RIP attack is the security of the RIPs. Each slow attack launched can be the last... But for that, it's necessary that the victims react in the game, and not on the Complaint Wall ! For your remark, I've several experiences : - 31M points on a fleeter account - 16M points on a farmer account On the second, I carry my res with... RIPs ! I have to pay a lot of fuel because in some universe, some turtle players are not able to assume their choice ? Yes, because build a lot of ressour…

  • If you don't lock the possibility to bid against your own bid, a player that want to hide 150M res will just bid, and bid and bid again So your problem will not be solved.

  • If you don't lock the possibility to bid against your own bid, a player that want to hide 150M res will just bid, and bid and bid again So your problem will not be solved.

  • Quote from Prequel: “This is a suggestion. You still haven't disproved my opinion. I already explained how and why lots of players can be defenseless against that. As I already written this exact sentence before. I'm not a newbie, I play the game for 7 years and I already am successful, my online time is high yes I can defend RIPs with destroyers or whatever but this is forcing to a another gamestyle, It's not a big problem for me but not all have such freedom. What if people don't have time? Wh…

  • Bids are not very well used because : - some players who wants to stop Ogame or just to annoy other players makes very big bids sometimes - some players puts millions of res in a bid just to avoid that a player robs it (after an attack) - last time, a player exploded 20k cargos, and the defender makes a bid of 147M crystal... I guess its not the purpose of the bids. So my proposition is to limit the system, for example - current bid > 5.000 - max bid > 5.500 or 6.000 (10% or 20%) - you cannot ma…