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  • You got me right dividius, basically I'm annoyed at how information was given on a need-to-know basis, and some not even then. Quote from Lord_: “Having 1kkk extra deut, when 500kk deut is base value you can barely consider it a skilled win if someone only recieved 100kk extra deut, as you do not have to think about your fleet composition at all. You "just win". We wanted to reward activity but as I said keep it in reason. To make you feel easier: We did not change anything considering the point…

  • Quote from Lord_: “It was your job to build researches ( to be able to build ships and increase your battle power in fight ). We gave you virtual ressources for that and we can understand that you might miscalculate something and so on.” Sure it's possible to miscalculate, but it sure as hell will happen if you don't clarify how the deut is distributed. Apparently the res is interchangable between research and fleet. Nowhere was it stated that that's how it will happen. In addition, you haven't …

  • 1. Why require WSA techs? Doesn't make much sense to me. And you mean hyperspace tech, not hyperspace drive, if the .pl thread is the one where you use the correct tech. 2. Somewhat better, but at that point you could just remove the deut cost really. Though IMO it should be upped to 100k. 3. If it's a defense structure, then it should be possible to IPM. If it's something like a solar sat, then repair chance needs to be removed. I don't see why the attacker should need to hold back destroying t…

  • Completely unbalanced when it comes to IPMs, the amount of IPMs that need to be sent in one wave would require a level 50 silo, which is unattainable even if you were to play on 50x. On a 1x uni you'd need to get a level 38 nanite just to be able to finish the silos in a single year. Basically, if implemented, it would be the thing that everyone just masses up. Shield strength also forces the attacker to use destroyers or RIPs, and to just get past the shields you'd need 60 destroyers (at 18/18/…

  • I'm with you on the lack of information about the contest, but that should be as obvious as it gets. In-game the total res is separated by dots, and it's the same here. As for the earlier (both or just research on 21st) I'm sure they mean both, doing it separate wouldn't make sense.

  • Yeah, first you had 8 players, then you suddenly revealed skoll was part of the contest when gathering points was over with (meaning no one else in the contest could try hitting him), then you removed me from phase 3. What was the point in including me in the final point count if you were going to just remove me later? Did you seriously make the rules for this phase just now? And to be clear, I'm not upset about being left out, I'm upset about how this entire contest is being done. I stopped pla…

  • Yeah, all information should've been given to us immediately.

  • I wouldn't mind, though as I said earlier, I've given up due to lack of time.

  • I've given up due to lack of time, since I had work, and now my final exam, but I agree with Dividius. All info should've been up before the applications were locked. Now we don't know if the difference in points will be a small edge or just overwhelming. Which is annoying.

  • That's nice, but what do the colors mean? There are only 3 resource types in ogame, and inside the main bar there are 4 different smaller ones. Also it appears they can go above the main bar, what does that mean?

  • Could you explain a bit more in detail the points? Like, how expeditions and hits work (what the numbers mean), and if the research and mines are meant to be per multitude, so if a mine is level 10 it's worth 2 points, and if someone gets a level 16 research it's also worth 2 points.

  • Suggestion, could you add the profits per day to the statistics page? Also maybe add a tab to total profits at the top to cover each resource type. It is possible to get the info from the profits page, but it's rather a pain to put in the date all the time. Maybe also change graphs to go from single color for all resources to each resource type having its own color and stack on top of each other. Thanks in advance.

  • What S034 said about points and how that works. Also, a list of the players in the contest would be nice, so we know how big the competition is.

  • I asked up above, and the rules also imply it, but I'll ask again. Are we allowed to farm inactives?

  • Could you add some title to the web page? I'm trying to set up Keepass but it's being a pain without the title.

  • At first I ignored this, but now it appears it's actually something I really could use. Ever since I started farming everywhere I couldn't keep track of how much I farmed, now I have a way to do so. With 6.0, will it be possible to automatically submit the CRs so we don't have to open each CR individually?

  • Farming the inactives on the server will still be allowed though, right?

  • When will more details be released? Like, how long it'll last and stuff.

  • Ogame Championship

    Horcon - - Archive - Suggestions


    They can earn money from DM obviously, relocating costs DM, and would be a big thing if you got 10 planets in random spots. And I like the idea, creates activity and buzz around the game, which GF should like, since the more people that know play the game, the more money they can suck out of people.

  • .us is active enough to exist, and with the change that .org have gotten recently, the resistance against such a merge would be big. The .us community may be smaller, but it's more friendly than what .org appears to be to me, at least in regard to mod-community relations.