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  • As I said you by PM, from time to time i will rewrite to spanish the script. I write here to inform other helpers if they want to colaborate. Edit 06/04/2016: 44% translated Edit 12/04/2016 82%

  • Horcon says something interesting, it can be a problem for real users if they are kicked out. On the other hand what ErikFyr says is that the game would need any test or tool "antiBot" to prevent illegal scripts.

  • I suppose you mean a little change like skype for example. It would be usefull and we would know only watching a colour if someone is not there In my opinion If green means someone is online (less than 15 minutes) Maybe - Yellow (from 15 to 30 minutes) - Orange (from 45 to 30 minutes) - Red (from 60 to 30 minutes) - Without any colour if someone is offline.

  • We have to consider that new changes with planets and their size make more usefull planets of 13,14,15, so more players would use them and would produce more duty. So i won't change default production, but using a technology like plasma that increase metal and crystal with another technology would be interesting. I don't know if graviton would be the best because more levels is too difficult... but something like hyperspace or energy with laser...(a combination of them) would be a good idea in m…

  • (Funcionalidad) Botón de espiar en la tabla de espionaje (Corrección de errores) Correcciones para la v6.1.5 (Corrección de errores) Mejora del borrado de mensajes (Corrección de errores) Envío de más naves en ataque (Mejora) Mejoras del CSS

  • Hi Vulca If you want this tool translated into spanish (ES) please poke me

  • As Valent says, if you take any probability you know there is a fleet there. If you take 0% and you have a weak spy technology you know that you can send many probes and they are going to come back (without losses because defenses don't increase that %) Also, you have to know that those messages are there because there has been a battle, and with that a message is created. If you cannot see any content because probes have been defeated is a diferent thing.

  • rotary gattling cannon

    Imperor - - Archive - Suggestions


    In my opinion, if you analize your proposal, is a mix of some defenses: This is what rotary gattling cannon has Attack Strength 2500 Shield Strength 650 Structural Integrity 75.000 This is the other defenses important skills Attack Strength 1.100 (gauss cannon) Attack Strength 3.300 (plasma turret) Shield Strength 500 (ion cannon) Structural Integrity 35.000 (gauss cannon) Structural Integrity 100.000 (plasma turret) Costs metal 45k crystal 30k deuterium 10k You have to think that the idea of ad…

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    Here you are vulca PHP Source Code (10 lines)

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    Sorry for the delay! here you are vulca PHP Source Code (7 lines)

  • Hi shole, here you have the Spanish translation 1. "Cambio automático al siguiente planeta/luna en las rutinas de recoger y fleetsaving" 2. "Borrar las marcas mostradas de los reportes con el botín < $saqueo y flota < $escombros" 3. "Limite de flota para esconder o borrar (x1000)" Thank you Imperor| By AntiGameOrigin Team

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    Here you are Vulca PHP Source Code (29 lines)

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    Translation for the TopMinier part: PHP Source Code (23 lines)

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (17 lines)

  • PARTE 5, MITAD 1 ***** Recommended Fleet ***** ------------------------------ o ------------------------------ ---- TOP 1 POINTS -------- EP LIMIT --- RECOMMENDABLE FLEET - NAME Flotas%20recomendadas.png --------------- o --------------- Separador.png Qualitative analysis of fleets Separador.png There are several fleet configuration, each of them with their advantages and disadvantages: Large Cargo Fleet (NGC) -------- TOP 1 POINTS ----------- EP LIMIT ----- LARGE CARGO FLEET-----…

  • a new ship

    Imperor - - Archive - Suggestions


    The problem of adding a strong ship is that would give problems for its Rapidfire. In my opinion would be more interesting if you desing a ship to act as fodder (maybe between light and heavy fighter... But the problem is what theviking said you in your post a long time ago about GF that for the moment won't create any new ship. I'll recommend you to think a little bit this one to do it better, and be prepared for future

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    The problem is that I only play in .es, so I don't know how is the message in .ar The first message. But that message is correct, i didn't remember it but it sounds to me and I have seen it a long time ago. That expedition message is one of the correct ones. The second message about the fleet lost. I have asked to the player who sent it to me because I don't know where has he took it. I'll edit this post to confirm.

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    Another message of lost fleet in expedition La flota en expedición no saltó de vuelta al vecindario. Nuestros académicos están aún intentando encontrar que pasó, pero parece que la flota se perdió para siempre.4 From my point of view there is an error of tranlation in the game into spanish because "vecindario" is neighborhood xD I think it would be hyperspace, in spanish hiperespacio. PHP Source Code (8 lines) Here i give you some lines to change in the translation /* ***************************…

  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    Imperor - - Translations


    Fleet lost: Una fusión del núcleo de la nave insignia produjo una reacción en cadena que destruyó la entera flota de expedición de una forma espectacular.

  • Guide 10: ACS guide

    Imperor - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    In a defense ACS i would add information about the Alliance Depot The alliance depot supplies fuel to friendly fleets in orbit helping with defence. For each upgrade level of the alliance depot, a special demand of deuterium per hour can be sent to an orbiting fleet. But know i don't remember exactly how does it works