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  • I used to know that answer as well, but don't remember anymore. But still say had bigger nails though. Good Luck, if memory still does serve though, it is more easier than say anticipated. Thanks, Kellogen

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    Kellogen - - Spam


    I try, but in doing so usually does, and by then was to do, but for any for try, not sure if that would be done. Still as such..I don't know. - Some may say it is the, "Words of the Wise..", I say it was a "glitch". Thanks, Kellogen

  • Think the worth of Rapidfire is for this say practice. And loss of Missiles not sure if say worth it otherwise, essentially given, Fleet on Fleet actions can't be done without Planets/Moons. And even though this is a numbers games, probably only so many really can take the difference of a Planet for worth of just Fleet Movements. But I do like the idea of this for its' interest of coverage, just the worth of covering as always to me would seem best based on new Units and Buildings additionally. …

  • OGame for multi platform

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think originally you could app out sites with Internet Explorer, and say run the 50-50 thoughts of some runtimes, but essentially as such is just say metadata priority if the inclined is not included for the base principle to say. Used to many plug-ins to say fill in the Gaps, but I haven't found them for many years now, essentially is just as easy to say download a 3rd party equivalency for a completely separate app to say and just import/export, which alot use for say the share feature of eq…

  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    Items gained with Dark Matter perhaps should be excluded from overall count to, on say the given. Would be to promote the worth of not increased Free Items. Thanks, Kellogen

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    Kellogen - - Spam


    OGame needs power and Power is OGame. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    True, but if balance is say based on mixed numbers then mixed numbers could say compensate for the difference. But I do like that idea of interest, it could work well at a time. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    A good direction, for them kind of percentages though not sure if could still them difference, given you'd still need to spend 1mil units to increase the cost by 100k. Perhaps starting out at 30% might be more reasonable with perhaps like a max of 105%, but 300% probably just as reasonable at a time. Other than percentages though, combining to interests already still seems best alternative. But if did, than perhaps the interests of percentages could start off lower. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    2 Wins per player per day seems reasonable. Something that I had thought of say otherwise, given running Timing Counters got real 50-50 after awhile, but..could perhaps say add like 50 new items and run auctions to last no more than like 15mins or even less time actually. Even then at say 2 Wins per player per day, odds would probably still be against you. But rather to need as many as 50 new items, I'm not sure, but shortening the timeframe of the Auctions themselves might be helpful. The worth…

  • See If This Thread Can Survive.......

    Kellogen - - Spam


    Survival for the most unscripted to say at a time might be hard found and pressed for such time frames. May the interest of your regards and place of interest holds its' means and find its' worth, for till then, I don't know. Thanks, Kellogen

  • Auction suggestion

    Kellogen - - Suggestions


    Timing least to some regards at the most seems more reasonable of question for the interest at hand then say price at time. But that could be me, but counter-contrast afterwards for worth beforehand has some say suggestive interest. But approximately speaking say either way says worth of said for why is just as well, and for such, I'm not sure is worth as much question. But still as such, guess is to a say. Thanks, Kellogen

  • I'm kinda certain I've threads and posts already made for where I'm going to be going with this, but also to say to some supportive threads and postings as such as well for in say why making this thread, not really able to find where at at the moment. But of such, figure for any generalization to such, this thread along with its post can concluded as concluded already if done so for before for when it finds the last posts to do so by. But as such though, Researches for Suggestions being made see…

  • But wouldn't say established years for say year worth regard interest of months not to use?? Thanks, Kellogen

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    Kellogen - - Spam


    "From this moment on, the only way down is up and up is the only way from down.." , some Random words. Thanks, Kellogen

  • I don't know, that's about all I got really. I edited some of the post, but not sure if going to help really any, but hey. Thanks, Kellogen

  • 21 years off for his son to a mother and 6 years from a child to be smaller younger than her mother by 5 times. That be ye he of as where Father be. Thanks, Kellogen

  • 21 years off for his son to a mother and 6 years from a child to be smaller than her mother. Thanks, Kellogen

  • New economy sub-ranking

    Kellogen - - Archive - Suggestions


    Well, even then to say for the counter-contrast, for what I'm getting say conversion rate for points gained to amounts, anything other than standard production, would be variable to adjust, given say premium bonus for 10, 20, 30 percent values, but all weigh a weeks worth in time?? If so, be reasonable to sustain a constant-variable against to add with to say, but say in overall total in total so far would be varied. And still with just a total so far without plus and additional factors, would s…

  • Version 6.3.4 discussion

    Kellogen - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hover over Icon with information display for single-click of information to say and double click for information access/utility, seems like a good interest to resolve say space concerns in cost of "real estate" usages. Kinda would be the old modern approach of things of course, probably why not being done now, but still. Thanks, Kellogen

  • OGamator

    Kellogen - - Archive - User Project's


    Is there any particular reason the Translate Page option doesn't come up for the website?? Thanks, =M.V.K.=